So depressed. lacking motivation.. need some serious help

My name is Sierra. I'm 20, and I had a baby 8 months ago.
My body has drastically changed since before I had a baby. I used to be 130lbs and a nice butt. A little muffin top but not bad...

Now I'm 180lbs and have a flabby butt and back fatt. Its disgusting. I feel like I still look pregnant. My muffin top is gigantic. My boyfriend and I have been struggling because of it. I'm so depressed. I literally hate looking in the mirror because I hate what I see. I also have no space here where I'm staying to workout, because we are renting a tiny room frim family till we get an apartment... and I'm lazy. I lack the motivation to go out and run for even 15minutes. I dont even do the squats i should or at hone workouts.. I don't eat very healthy and I know its honestly not that hard.

I'm so stuck. I am starting to hate myself because of what I have become.... I need help. I feel like starving myself is the inky way I'll see any real results.


  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Have you talked to your doctor about post partum depression being a factor in how you're feeling?

    As for weight loss, forget trying to find motivation. Motivation comes and goes. Just do it whether you feel like it or not. Start writing down everything you eat in your food diary. When you see where you can make some reductions, do it. Put the baby in a stroller and get out for a walk every day. It's good for the baby and for you.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Walk. When the weather is nice, push the pram. It can be difficult to bounce back after having a baby but it doesn't need to be impossible. Log what you eat, see where you can easily cut back,or make healthier replacements. Start with baby steps and after the first noticeable improvement however small, motivation will frequently come. Than you can take bigger steps. Don't use your current situation as an excuse.
  • deceived1
    deceived1 Posts: 281 Member
    Log everything that you eat. Try to eat cleaner. Set your weight loss goals to 1-1.5pounds per week loss. If you eat clean like this and at a deficit, you will start seeing results, and likely feel way better physically from the good food that you're eating. Don't go completely crazy and let yourself have a treat when you want it - but make sure you log it and stay at your calorie goals.

    Eventually this should snowball and you'll want to start moving. It really is a snowball effect.

    And like someone else mentioned, talk to your doctor about your depression if it's serious.
  • ahmzah
    ahmzah Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, definitely talk to your doctor about the depression. :(

    Aside from that, do you have any buddies that you could exercise with? I was in a similar situation a two or three years ago, but having a friend to compete with or just have fun with really made exercising a lot easier.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    My name is Sierra. I'm 20, and I had a baby 8 months ago.
    My body has drastically changed since before I had a baby. I used to be 130lbs and a nice butt. A little muffin top but not bad...

    Now I'm 180lbs and have a flabby butt and back fatt. Its disgusting. I feel like I still look pregnant. My muffin top is gigantic. My boyfriend and I have been struggling because of it. I'm so depressed. I literally hate looking in the mirror because I hate what I see. I also have no space here where I'm staying to workout, because we are renting a tiny room frim family till we get an apartment... and I'm lazy. I lack the motivation to go out and run for even 15minutes. I dont even do the squats i should or at hone workouts.. I don't eat very healthy and I know its honestly not that hard.

    I'm so stuck. I am starting to hate myself because of what I have become.... I need help. I feel like starving myself is the inky way I'll see any real results.

    The good news is that you don't have to go run for 15 minutes or do squats or at home workouts.

    Here's what to do. Pick up your baby. If it isn't raining at the moment, go outside and walk as far as you can in one direction for 5 minutes. Then turn around and walk back home. That's it. You are done for today. Cross "exercise" off your list. Give yourself a pat on the back and play with your baby.

    Tomorrow, do it again. The day after that do it again. But, now, maybe you are thinking, "I can do better than that." So, walk for six or seven minutes in one direction and then turn around and come back. Or, walk for five minutes, but go a little faster and farther.

    The point of all of this is that you don't need a gym or fancy routines to get yourself back in shape. You can take advantage of small bits of time throughout your day to be a bit more active. Being more active is going to make you feel better, physically and emotionally.

    Once you've got a routine going with more activity, then you can turn your attention to controlling how much you are eating. Perhaps you could start with just logging what you eat. Writing it down will help you to think about how much you are consuming and that may help you to make better choices. After a few days of just logging your food, you could start monitoring the calorie intake.

    Baby steps. Make small improvements each day. That's what it is all about. Once you are feeling like you are taking small actions the whole thing will build on itself and you will find yourself on a new path to healthier, fitter living.

    It's okay to start small.

  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    You are being way too hard on yourself, your body housed another human being!!! Start out with smalls goals, walking for 30 minutes a day...break that up into 2/15 min walks if you need to. Cut out soda's, incorporate more water. Keep a journal of how you feel..focus on 5 positive/blessings in your life at the moment each day.

    If you feel you have signs of postpartum depression, never feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask your dr for help. Yes, exercising and eating healthier will help but sometimes medication is needed to get us to a place of calm (and this is my personal opinion from personal experience)

    Feel free to add me, i log daily :smiley:
  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    My sister-in-law is from Terre Haute :) I think all of the advice that you've gotten here is solid. Another thing that you can do is watch YouTube videos for Zumba & Yoga. I find it difficult to work out at home also, but an awesome thing that you can do for yourself is Body-Only or dumb bell / barbell exercises.

    The filter for this website is for the Traps, but you can change the filter on the left for any muscle listed available. You go down a little further, and see Body Only, refresh, and boom! Also, you can watch these videos with a female model instead, so you have an idea of how to do it.

    Good luck!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    My name is Sierra. I'm 20, and I had a baby 8 months ago.
    My body has drastically changed since before I had a baby. I used to be 130lbs and a nice butt. A little muffin top but not bad...

    Now I'm 180lbs and have a flabby butt and back fatt. Its disgusting. I feel like I still look pregnant. My muffin top is gigantic. My boyfriend and I have been struggling because of it. I'm so depressed. I literally hate looking in the mirror because I hate what I see. I also have no space here where I'm staying to workout, because we are renting a tiny room frim family till we get an apartment... and I'm lazy. I lack the motivation to go out and run for even 15minutes. I dont even do the squats i should or at hone workouts.. I don't eat very healthy and I know its honestly not that hard.

    I'm so stuck. I am starting to hate myself because of what I have become.... I need help. I feel like starving myself is the inky way I'll see any real results.

    In my experience, it's WAY hard when you don't have your own kitchen. I stayed with my sister for a few months last summer and it was really difficult for me. When I moved into my own apartment and didn't feel like I was invading someone else's space to fix myself dinner, it was a lot easier.

    Also, in my experience, you're not read until you're ready. I don't really know what that secret ingredient is, but it's like one day your brain flips a switch and you're ready. Until that happens, it's going to be really hard to get started.

    Finding ways to combat your depression will help a lot. Have you seen a doctor? Are you religious at all?