How much Cardio u need to lose belly fat?



  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Strength training is truly incredibly important in weight loss and in particular a steady, good fat burn. It should always be matched with cardio, though. It's like trying to make a PB and J sandwhich - if you have too much PB or too much Jelly, it just isn't the optimal taste.
  • drsabeena
    drsabeena Posts: 16 Member
    Why did God made carbs so fun to eat thank god I'm don't like pasta potatoes or rice .. I love veggies chicken fish n nuts n of course food n I don't have much sweet tooth so where did I go wrong ? I know where after each weight training session my metabolism goes very high so when come home I EAT I eat carbs n I eat good lunch made f carbs no wonder I never lost ( damn my trainer old one told me it was ok it eat my nepalese daal bhat after workout but my belly remained Buddha belly ) my new trainer specify the important of protein after workout m so blessed to finally got into right way to my goal mix match means doing different or variety varying your workout each day no two day r same for me I like to keep myself from getting bored
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    Carbs aren't the enemy unless you have a medical condition. Weightlifting and proper amount of protein and moderate deficit will help. Remember genetics plays a role in fat loss. You cannot spot reduce. Take weight loss slow and focus on getting a good amount of protein, fat, and fiber. Don't worry so much about where carbs fall, just get a good balance on everything. Cardio isn't the magical spot reduction cure but it is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and overall health, so a mix of both weightlifting and cardio would still be good
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Carbs are essential for fueling a workout. They provide quick energy that is necessary to prevent the dreaded "bonk". Don't listen to low and no-carb zealots. Eating an extremely low-carb diet may help you to lose weight, but it will adversely affect your training.

    BTW, there is no scientific evidence of a "protein window" that requires you to eat protein right after a workout. Just insure you are eating protein sources throughout the day and you'll be fine.
  • drsabeena
    drsabeena Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wow thanks u guys im in constant battle to what eat so guess it's about portion control more than anything moderation is key but should start eating half of watever I serve for myself n start keep the other half share my food for future use tricking my brain method that I get to eat all but in later time ... My problem it's self is I have no sense of portion control when I eat I hog even if it's healthy food I'm big eater as for workout I pretty strong n love working out as long as I have a trainer to motivate me during my workout guess I have accepted my vices of can't be independent excerciser whatsoever I'm going keep my healthy carb in my diet with my protein ..your all r so right I have seen ppl who hardly eat carbs take protein powder whey n they personality is not gregerious or happy cause I think our brain works lousy if we don't get enough carbs not mention workout deficit energy ....while excercising so once again thanks for teaching my the importance of right food n workout really I m learning so much each day from you all its a blessing to be know u all big thanks
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    tdatsenko wrote: »
    rybo wrote: »
    You can lose weight doing lifting only. You can lose weight doing cardio only. You can lose weight doing a mix of the 2. Some forms of cardio help better than others as do some forms of strength training.
    Can we all agree that your calories in is probably the most important part of the equation since it's hard to out-train a bad diet?
    Calories are always important, that shouldn't really have to be stated. But assuming that is in check, when it comes to the exercise part, some things are better than others for getting really lean.