I need your help



  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Thank you very much
    Hey there! Your post really touched me. My husband is in the same situation as you and we are both trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I'd be glad to give you support and motivation. You got this! Sound like you are headed in the right direction. It's gonna be tough but so worth it!!!

    Awww thank you so much. You should tell your husband to get on this app with us and we can All help each other 7t1h8uuhzqfb.jpg

  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey guys call me crazy but I've been getting a lot of responses from my post way faster then I've ever expected. from some really great and similar people with similar situations our just people who want to help so I decided to start up a group called " Phat People's Feelings " where we can all help each other build confidence and motivation to reach our goals. Because before I got on this app I had like no self of steam or confidence at all and all my new friends that I made helped me believe that I could do it and right now I'm almost 400 pounds who knows if I'll even be able to make My goal but one thing I can say is I'm never going to give up no matter what happens this time there's no turning back for me and I want to be around people with a similar mindset. So I seen you could create your own group on here so here I am trying to start a move meant for all us Phat people out there who are afraid to speak up and be them selfs. It's time for a change ladies and gentlemen let's do this one step at a time.