Cheat Meals



  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    i try to fit "cheat" foods in small amounts into my daily macros.
    if it were a special occasion or something, i'd just take the hit to my progress and get back to it tomorrow.
  • LashaMonique
    LashaMonique Posts: 20 Member
    bulbadoof wrote: »
    i try to fit "cheat" foods in small amounts into my daily macros.
    if it were a special occasion or something, i'd just take the hit to my progress and get back to it tomorrow.

    It seems as if everybody fits it verses cutting it out, I suppose I have to find balance & learn to fit it in
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    I am on the fit it into your day wagon but sometimes... there's that MEGA cheat... like me ... I LOVE buffalo chicken pizza from ciciZOMG. I could eat a WHOLE pizza... no joke... i reward myself with it when i meet a goal right now as my mouth is watering I tell myself hey woman when you loose another 5 pounds you can have your pizza. Because that is one meal i can't be a normal person portion size control it.
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    i make 'fries' using fresh potato cut into wedges (or whatever size or shape i fancy), spray with oil, add a tad of sea salt and BAKE them in the oven. you, of course, still have the full numbers count on the potato but it's not deep fried. they are amazingly good.
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    I honestly do feel deprived, I have to just start fitting it into my goal because going with out and then trying to have "Cheat days" can't be good either.

    Feeling deprived is a dangerous place to be when you're trying to lose weight. Some people can do cheat days, but I know with my history of disordered eating habits a whole day of splurges is too much; however, I plan ahead for little treats every day. One day I may have a nice cup of hot chocolate. Another I may eat sorbet. If I want French fries, I eat them. I just make sure to weigh out my portion and track it. I have only temporarily cut out things I know I have no self-control over. My trigger foods, if you will. Eventually I'll attempt to work them back into my diet in moderation.

  • ChelleE31
    ChelleE31 Posts: 57 Member
    When is it okay to have a cheat day? well I wouldn't really want to have a cheat day because I don't want to throw away my hard work.. but a cheat meal when is that okay? How long after you starting changing your lifestyle should you wait? Because I miss certain foods.

    I used to wonder this as well and would always have feelings of guilt but since benig on here it's really changed the way I think. I now incorporate what I want but just make sure I'm under my calorie intake goal for the day. I've yet to have a takeaway but I'm assuming if you go to a place like McDonalds, they have nutritional information so just work out how much of your daily allowance what food you want has out of your day.

    I have a sweet tooth so my thing is doughnuts and desserts, I used to feel like I shouldn't eat anything until my 'cheat day' but I would still feel guilty because the connotation of the word cheat is negative.

    Now if I fancy a few biscuits and have calories left over from my allowance, I have some :), maybe I wouldn't have as many as I used to but I'm still eating what I want, without being greedy.

    Don't feel guilty about eating food that you want, it's not realistic to deny yourself things. I find if I have what I crave little and often, I don't overeat it and don't feel bad or bloated from it. ☺️