Caffeine Crutch?!?

Watching my log with loyalty never before seen, I'm noticing mine, and my friend's commitment to coffee/soda/tea. How simple would it be to shed the caffeine habit? What difference that would make in my metabolic function? I consistently exercise, I am always under my calorie goal, I am not pregnant. Not losing weight and noticing unsettling trends in my day to day diet make-up, mainly fat intake and caffeine.

How do you suggest breaking those long term coffee commitments that are so easily shrugged off as insignificant by the starbucks mafia?


  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    I went cold turkey on the caffeïne. It took about 3 days and a couple of annoying headaches but I'm off coffee totally now and I don't miss it at all. It's been a while and it did help in the weight loss quest as I used to drinnk my coffee milky and sweet... a few cups of homemade coffee easily add up to 260 calories a day. Needless to say that Starbuck brews and sodas can add up even more.
  • faithhope7777
    faithhope7777 Posts: 11 Member
    It's funny I just read your post after deciding today I would not have my morning coffee and I also decided to cut back on sugar. I just want to feel better and when I cut these things out of my diet I felt so much better and the weight started to really drop off. My mistake was feeling left out when I saw others indulging in what I cut out of my life. I gave in to temptation that first bite of birthday cake can really take you backwards, for some people sugar is like a drug it becomes a downward spiral I beginning to believe Im that person that can't just have one little bite and be ok Im gonna accept it now!!!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Coffee and tea are not bad for you. In fact, they are both good for you in moderation since they both have antioxidants and caffeine can increase your metabolism very slightly. There is really no need to cut them out unless you can not drink them without adding a bunch of fat and sugar to them and find the idea of weaning yourself off adding those more unpleasant than cutting out coffee and tea.