I need supports and positive people, so we can support each other.

i need to lose 100 pounds. In know this works, but have fallen off the wagon a few times. I am finally committed to doing this. In had breast cancer in March 2011, and cannot have reconstruction surgery due to my weight. I had a left mastectomy. Looking for friends to have support and give support.


  • periodsop
    periodsop Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck, Janice! You are a brave survivor and you can do this! I'm struggling with a hip injury (nothing like what you went through) and it makes lots of things harder with wiehg gloss. I won't quit if you won't. :)
  • aifos99
    aifos99 Posts: 20 Member
    Trying to lose 100lbs also. Goodluck, we got this ;)
  • maryastewart52
    maryastewart52 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck!
  • stacer56
    stacer56 Posts: 2 Member
    Janice- Hi! My name is Stacey. I am also new to this community and looking for friends to help me on my fitness journey. I recently lost my grandma last month to breast cancer. Your story has really hit home with me. I would love to help support you as you progress thru your journey. Feel free to add me. :) Good luck!