Foods You Thought You'd Miss?

JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
Awhile back I decided to give up my love for pasta and burgers. I use to eat pastas in some form at least 5 times a week! One night it would be pasta with meatballs, than the next night a buffalo chicken casserole, so on and so forth.

Then reality struck and I was prediabetic and the Dr said I need to make some changes and quick. So I became Mr. CarbControl... It was a huge change that was very difficult at first. However, almost a year later I can pass on pasta easily and never really feel the need to eat pasta or rice (unless it's in sushi.)

Another food I use to love was hamburger. I would love making massive burgers mix in cheese etc. Wow, now that I think back I can't believe how unhealthy I was. Now I can careless about hamburgers. I don't even find them that appealing anymore.

The same goes for fast food places like Wendys etc. When I use to be out and hungry I use to run for the fast food joints. Now when I'm out and Hungry I just say to myself... "Man, there's no where to eat and I'm hungry.. Time to go to the market."

I still eat these foods here and there occasionally but I don't go out of my way for them.

What foods did you give up that you thought you'd miss?


  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Soda. I was addicted, no joke. Now I only drink soda if I'm out for drinks and it's mixed with something (and that doesn't happen too often). That was a hard habit to break!
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    Soda. I was addicted, no joke. Now I only drink soda if I'm out for drinks and it's mixed with something (and that doesn't happen too often). That was a hard habit to break!

    I forgot about that one. I use to drink Soda like it was water! Now if I have some it makes my teeth feel like they are decaying. I too enjoy a nice Jack and Diet Coke on occasion. My next task to cut back on is beer on weekends!