do you log supplements?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    My grandma and mum both have osteoporosis. My mums doctor implored her to make sure us kids start taking calcium.
    The multi vitamin i take, just in case.
    My dentist put me onto grape seed extract.
    Fish oil and probiotics, I've read most everyone should take them.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    When I had my blood work done for vitamin levels, I found out that I was anemic, had very little vitamin D, & a b12 deficiency. So I take all of the above and a multi vitamin and vitamin C. I do log them, just to keep myself in check to remember.

    You cannot take calcium and iron together, which is why I take the vitamin C with the iron. The vitamin C increases the iron absorption. If you were to take the calcium and iron together the iron would bind to the calcium and it would not absorb properly. So you don't want to take them together.

    Also, if you take a multivitamin, you want to take it without the others. Your body can only absorb so much of certain vitamins, and if you take more than that at one time it will all be flushed out.

    Oh bloody el, most confusing!!!

    I take

    fish oil
    Multi vitamin
    grape seed extract

    There's not enough hours in the day to take them all hours apart from each other..... ~sigh~

    I compromise. I take most of my supplements and medications with breakfast because one med and the iron needs to be taken with food. I no longer eat yogurt or any other dairy (except my Tbl of half & half in my coffee) with breakfast because of the iron/calcium interaction.

    I do take the omeprazole (prescription prilosec) sometime later in the day because acid blockers also block the absorption of several nutrients and many medications so it is best to take it by itself.

    I take:
    High potency iron (Dr. prescribed for chronic anemia)
    D3 (SAD)
    B12 (also for the anemia)
    water pill

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I log mine but not because of the calories, I like to see my micronutrient numbers.

    Do you have to have a premium membership to see micros and would this give you iron counts? I'm anemic, and would like to see this. I do take an iron supplement. That reminds me, time to get tested again.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited May 2015
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I log mine but not because of the calories, I like to see my micronutrient numbers.

    Do you have to have a premium membership to see micros and would this give you iron counts? I'm anemic, and would like to see this. I do take an iron supplement. That reminds me, time to get tested again.

    No. Go to "Reports" and choose whatever micronutrient you want to see. If you want to actually track iron in your diary, go toe "settings" --> "diary settings" --> "Nutrients tracked" and choose iron instead of something like the default sugar.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Only if they have calories. I don't track anything else.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited May 2015
    The real issue is whether any of those supplements make any difference in the end in terms of health and lifespan.

    Taking iron supplements for my anemia has made an incredible difference in my energy level and frequency of hair loss. Also, the two types of iron supplements the VA gave me did nothing for me and when I switched to a different form, I felt a difference and stopped "shedding" as much. I actually got written up at work due to making mistakes because my anemia was essentially untreated when I was taking the POS VA supplements. Until the lightbulb went off, I thought I was unable to focus because I just hated my job, lol. (I didn't hate it - I was just feeling like *kitten* from untreated anemia.)

    I'm taking Iron Bisglycinate now. I've taken maybe a half dozen different types and this one works the best - no constipation and taking one per day gives me low normal iron levels, which is good, considering how much my fibroids cause me to hemorrhage at that TOM. I've doubled my iron pill since the last test and am curious to see how that changed my levels.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I log my calcium supplements because since I stopped drinking milk by the bucketful I want to make sure I'm getting enough calcium. :)