Entered maintenance this week... Struggling to enjoy additional calories and not feel guilty. Help!

i reached goal this week after losing 127lbs in 20 months. Sticking to a lower calorie allowance became manageable and felt "safe" and routine. I've now set my MFP to maintenance and am allowed almost double the calories. I definitely feel dubious and nervous about increasing my allowance by that much but I have been eating more snacks and/or choosing more calorific meals (eg adding cheese to pasta).

I am really struggling to get my head around being allowed to eat more and I still feel massively guilty when I log what I've eaten. I just want to enter this new chapter and enjoy what I eat but I'm finding it harder than expected. Well, to be honest I wasn't prepared to struggle with it the way I am.

Probably due to being petrified of putting all the weight back on. Any thoughts, help or advice?
Thank you.


  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    You need to slowly work your way back up to that higher calorie intake. Don't jump on it all at once.

    It is ok to drop a little more weight as you find your sweet spot for caloric intake. Maybe set your goal at 1 or 2 pounds less than you are and set weight loss at the minimum per week the drop down allows and shoot for 5 % over that to start and see how you do over a week. The next week make it 10% over if you had continued to lose.
  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    Oh, and awesome job on your success :)
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited May 2015
    I wouldn't increase it that much all at once. I would add 100-200 calories per week so that you can get used to it gradually. If you make little changes gradually, I think you will feel less guilty. And it can give you some time to figure out exactly what changes are best for you to make (more of everything VS more high calorie items vs eating foods you didn't eat before vs changing your macros slightly or some combination) Also, if mfp has overestimated how much your maintenance calories are, this will help you to determine the correct level.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yes, increase it 100 calories a week until you get there. That helps you to mentally adjust as well.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Like others have said, 100 calories or so a week until you get there.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Nuts and nut butters are natural and full of healthy fats, which are in turn lots of healthy calories. Start with like a tablespoon of nut butter a day and like they said, just start with 100 calories instead of the whole shebang at once.
  • MrsGTred
    MrsGTred Posts: 16 Member
    Fantastic ideas and suggestions guys. Thank you. Feeling much happier with that plan of increasing allowance by 100kcal a week. That gives me some of that prescriptive "security" back again.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How in the world are you getting twice the calories anyway? Something isn't adding up.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Yeah, you shouldn't be getting twice. Even if you were eating at 1200, your calorie deficit couldn't be more than 1000, if you are using the tool correctly.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited May 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    How in the world are you getting twice the calories anyway? Something isn't adding up.


    OP how many calories were you doing??.....and how did you figure out your maintenance calories??
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Congrats on your success! I have friends that have reached their goals, and now they say the work begins. I know I am not one that should comment on here, as I have alot to lose yet, but I know when I reach my goal I plan on really settling in mentally on my successes, and not take my losses for granted. Also to realize that getting to my goal weight doesn't mean that my journey stops, it just changes. Recognizing that mental shift, and staying mindful will be my key to success. :-)
  • MrsGTred
    MrsGTred Posts: 16 Member
    During last stint of loss MFP allowance was 1200 for a 2lbs loss a week. When I reached goal and set it to maintenance it went straight up to 2120.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    If you were still losing at a rate of 2lb a week recently then yes you will need to eat (at least) 1000 more.
    If you weren't losing at that rate then the sums will be different.

    Personally I would make a big jump (but not the whole amount) in calories immediately and then do the 100 per week fine tuning otherwise you will still have far too large a deficit.

    Congrats on losing so much and try and realise it's impossible to gain it all back without months/years of serious over-eating!
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    Don't feel guilty and don't go straight to the full monty as it's only going to fuel your anxiety...I'd say just take baby steps. Have a little bit at a time, healthy stuff - an extra yoghurt, extra fruit, etc. Go with what you feel comfortable with.
    I wouldn't trust the number there though, and I would just take things logically and reasonably - as long as you eat healthy, exercise well and don't go full on junk, I'd say that's the best way to know you're on the right path.