new strategy / minimal exercise credit

new strategy ... recently I've been giving myself the minimum calories-per-day budget (1200 for me), and doing lots of exercise. The problem is I do 1500 calories of exercise, and eat an extra 1400 calories, and seem to wind up not losing weight even if the numbers say I should, even when using "discounted" times / calories for the exercise. So instead I'm trying for 1850 calories / day, and creating special exercises that only give me credit for burning 2 cal / minute - so if I lift weights for an hour, or ride my bike 15mph for an hour, I only get 120 cal of "extra credits" for eating - so what I'm allowed to eat doesn't change much with exercise, maybe by enough to eat an extra energy bar before hand. We'll see how that works out ...
Suggestions welcome. My diary is public.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Bonkers, why not just do it like everyone else. If it works then great for you, but I hink you are overcomplicating.

    If you are using mfp to calculate your burns, then 1500 seems a lot. <ost people know MFP can inflate caloried burned and be overgenerous, which means you can eat calories you arent burning in reality.
    Just eat 25%-50% of the exercise calories and then adjust as needed.

    1200 is too lowfor a man.

    If you dont wnat tio mess about with exercise then use the tdee method of calculating -20% for your calorie traget.
  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    Well I usually try to do half of the calories from exercise plus 1200 a day if I'm not hungry just the 1200.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I actually kind of like this idea. I think you were more than likely overestimating exercise burns. Good luck. If you lose too fast, you can increase a little.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I know a few who just put their weight lifting as 2 calories. *shrugs* It works for some. I just claim half an hour on the thing and I'm there for closer to 1.5 hours.

    Though do wonder what numbers gave you 1200 calories. Cause yeah, it was going to give me that for losing 1.5 lbs a week and I changed my goal to 1 lb a week instead because just no. And I'm 4'11.5" female. I've managed to lose around 1 a week while eating more like 1600 a day instead.