can a fat man get a girl friend

hi i never had much luck in this department :neutral: just wondering i weight like 302 pound 5 foot 9, i surpose i look ok but .....


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I was fat when I got my girlfriend (now wife). She supported me when I was fat, and supports me now, so yes. You don't need luck; you need confidence and self respect, and of course to meet the right person.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Can one? Sure.

    Is it as likely as someone who is physically fit? No.
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    No Doubt Brother..
  • jackiedruga
    jackiedruga Posts: 18 Member
    FYI - I like my men large, John Goodman (Roseanne Days) Large. Unfortunately, I haven't found him yet. But, yes, I am on my way to being a little trimmer, and I still will want my men large.
  • Tucker145
    Tucker145 Posts: 27 Member
    I know a lot of big guys with beautiful girls. It's just meeting them.
  • Sapphiretransformed
    Sapphiretransformed Posts: 15 Member
    To me it's not all about looks. I look at a man's walk. Your walk says a lot about you. Confidence is so SEXY to women. Once we see that then we'll want to get to know you better.
  • SarahSmiles0x
    SarahSmiles0x Posts: 63 Member
    I agree, confidence is key! I've always liked my guys on the larger husband is actually really skinny and it took me awhile to get used to lol...if ur a confident guy and know what u want that's what girls like, u will find the right girl :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Anyone can have someone special. Sometimes it just takes time! Confidence in yourself, patience, and being comfortable with being alone (for the time being) can do wonders.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Sure, there are lots of fat women out there.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Yes, you have to love yourself first. :)
  • LisaRoloff
    LisaRoloff Posts: 43 Member
    you know. From an artistic point of view, men such as are in magic mike are beautiful to look at. Artistically they are a lot of fun to draw or sculpt and I can appreciate them from that standpoint, but to be completely honest, I really prefer guys with a bit of padding to cuddle with. Too obsessive about their looks and so forth is a bit boring for me since it's not something I am into except for what I do here. I personally would prefer someone that treats me well and shares tons of interests with me. Confidence is, as others have said, a good indicator. A person HAS to be comfortable in their own skin. You have to feel you have a life and that you have value in yourself before you can really try sharing a life and yourself with someone else.
  • ImitatetheSun
    ImitatetheSun Posts: 44 Member
    Generally, I've found that the overweight guys I've taken an interest in are holding out for women far thinner than me. So I feel better about your odds than mine. :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Honestly, it has little to do with physical physique.

    I had very recently met a woman. She runs, she studied kinesiology, she plays basketball. She's very fit and is super cute.

    Me? I've got no muscle, I've got a pretty large gut, I'm 6' and 240 lbs and I'm the polar opposite of "photogenic".

    However, she's crazy about me. Why? Probably because of my personality and confidence. We've only been on a few dates so far, but we're like two peas in a pod.

    What did I do to meet her? Nothing. I wasn't even looking. I had been single for 5+ years and very, very content with my single life. I just happened to be bored one day, hopped on a social networking site for the first time in 6 months, and she was the second woman I messaged.

    My suggestion for you: Stop looking for love, you will not find it that way. Just focus on you. Do what you can to make your life better, make yourself better. Accept your single-ness and embrace it. You are free. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want and you never, ever have to think of how to incorporate someone else into your plans. your have financial freedom too. You want to blow your bonus on a motorcycle? Go for it. No one will say no.

    Be yourself and do what you love. When the time is right, and when you least expect it, the right woman will simply fall into your lap.

    Until you've mastered being yourself and being happy with your life, women won't find you so attractive. Confidence and happiness is key and if you go around looking for love (aka, happiness), women will see this and it will turn them away. When you are ready, and you may not even know when you are, then start talking to women, but don't talk to them in hopes of finding your soulmate. Just chat. Just be friendly. Have zero expectations.

    When you meet the right woman, you will know in your head. You don't need your heart to tell you that.
  • Luvlyrose
    Luvlyrose Posts: 31 Member
    Omg <3B) of course you can. Mmmmm my husband is delish hes 10lbs less than you and hes so warm and cuddly and if he ever has to lose the weight id die . Thing is i get scared because i don't want anything to happen to him if he ever got sick so if he has to oh well bye bye teddy bear gut will have to go. Youll find your love ...what made me fall in love with him...he wasnt a perv...and he the only one who try to put me on check. Back then i weighed 145 everyone called me buns of steel and i did martial arts i thought i was on top of the world 100 and something lbs gained made my butt sink through it real quick
  • LisaRoloff
    LisaRoloff Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly, it has little to do with physical physique.

    I had very recently met a woman. She runs, she studied kinesiology, she plays basketball. She's very fit and is super cute.

    Me? I've got no muscle, I've got a pretty large gut, I'm 6' and 240 lbs and I'm the polar opposite of "photogenic".

    However, she's crazy about me. Why? Probably because of my personality and confidence. We've only been on a few dates so far, but we're like two peas in a pod.

    What did I do to meet her? Nothing. I wasn't even looking. I had been single for 5+ years and very, very content with my single life. I just happened to be bored one day, hopped on a social networking site for the first time in 6 months, and she was the second woman I messaged.

    My suggestion for you: Stop looking for love, you will not find it that way. Just focus on you. Do what you can to make your life better, make yourself better. Accept your single-ness and embrace it. You are free. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want and you never, ever have to think of how to incorporate someone else into your plans. your have financial freedom too. You want to blow your bonus on a motorcycle? Go for it. No one will say no.

    Be yourself and do what you love. When the time is right, and when you least expect it, the right woman will simply fall into your lap.

    Until you've mastered being yourself and being happy with your life, women won't find you so attractive. Confidence and happiness is key and if you go around looking for love (aka, happiness), women will see this and it will turn them away. When you are ready, and you may not even know when you are, then start talking to women, but don't talk to them in hopes of finding your soulmate. Just chat. Just be friendly. Have zero expectations.

    When you meet the right woman, you will know in your head. You don't need your heart to tell you that.

    They need a "like" button or something on here. This is pretty much what I was trying to say myself. Take care of you first. Make your life happy, make YOU happy. Make sure you are the person you want to be and are presenting that to the world. When you are ready the right woman will be attracted to you and you will know enough about yourself that you will be attracted to the right kind of woman. In the original post he did say "girlfriend" rather than hook-up so I really hope that is what he is looking for. So many young people seem fixated on the physical side of human interaction and there is sooooooooo much more of value to things than simply fitting body parts together.
  • fionadost
    fionadost Posts: 11 Member
    for sure, but don't let that stop you from being a healthier version of you ;)
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Yes mate you will be fine. As many of the girls state in the Polls that are produced a good sense of humour seems to be top of the list of attraction and you only need to loose a bit of weight to fit into what has been described by the media as the Dad Bod range. Apparently this is like hitting the Jack pot for woman to find you attractive. The people have spoken, being slightly amusing and slightly out of shape means that men are at the peak of their attractive allure to the ladies. Who knew.
  • LisaRoloff
    LisaRoloff Posts: 43 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Yes mate you will be fine. As many of the girls state in the Polls that are produced a good sense of humour seems to be top of the list of attraction and you only need to loose a bit of weight to fit into what has been described by the media as the Dad Bod range. Apparently this is like hitting the Jack pot for woman to find you attractive. The people have spoken, being slightly amusing and slightly out of shape means that men are at the peak of their attractive allure to the ladies. Who knew.

    slideaway1, I just took a peak at your profile. LOL based on that, you have the sense of humor down pat. "world domination" and "walking around with a smug look on your smug face" LOL
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited May 2015
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Yes mate you will be fine. As many of the girls state in the Polls that are produced a good sense of humour seems to be top of the list of attraction and you only need to loose a bit of weight to fit into what has been described by the media as the Dad Bod range. Apparently this is like hitting the Jack pot for woman to find you attractive. The people have spoken, being slightly amusing and slightly out of shape means that men are at the peak of their attractive allure to the ladies. Who knew.

    I think Dad Bod is a conspiracy by pudgy male-run media outlets. I don't find chubby dudes completely unattractive and have definitely been involved with men who were out-of-shape, but that was because they had great personalities/senses of humor/other attractive qualities. And I hate Dad Bod because women are bombarded with images of super-fit women asking new moms "what's your excuse?" and men are getting this nonsense.

    (I also find that the fitter I get, the more I appreciate a muscular man. I know how much work has gone into his appearance and it's a turn-on.)

    But on topic: OP, if you aren't having luck, it's not the women. It's you. Either you're going for the wrong girls or you're doing something to turn off the women in your life. Do you have female friends who can give you honest feedback? It might be that you just haven't had a lot of confidence in your interactions with them, and that can sometimes read as "he's not flirting with me because he sees me as a buddy." There was a boy who hung around me all through middle school and high school and I didn't know he liked me. I thought we were friends. I never picked up on it until he told me via facebook years later. We're not that brilliant, okay?

  • daniellejm893
    daniellejm893 Posts: 15 Member
    It's about being happy and confident within yourself if others can see that than that's what grabs attention and interest. I always thought that about myself. I was always called fat growing up and it bothered me that no guy wanted me.. (Yes I have a vagina) but everyone has their own struggles and personal image. If you're happy the way you are then don't change and the right girl will find you.