Our holiday picnic today was yummy, good friendship and food (but not too much food! lol)

It's a holiday weekend in the USA.

Memorial day, when we remember all those who have served in our country and paid the price for our freedom.


My friend Pam brought her daughter and her daughters friend up for a picnic lunch today. We met online and it turns out we live near each other so we are becoming friends in this weight loss and maintenance journey.

She made two beautiful salads; one was lentels with a little tomato and feta cheese, the other was quinoa, cucumber, watermelon, cilantro, and a dab of avocado oil.

We topped the lentel salad on a bed of green lettuces.

I had the quinoa salad by itself and Pam put a little hummus on hers.

Ahhh, then I had hummus with Trader Joes corn chips. It was SO YUMMY.

It was a lovely day filled with laughter, friendship, and yummy food.

What did you all do? <3B) Lol, the weekend has just begun!!!



  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Seems ironic that we remember the death of soldiers by cooking steaks on the grill. It seems like it should be a day of fasting. But I cooked steaks and ribs on the grill today, and then went for a bicycle ride and got a flat tire...twice.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Seems ironic that we remember the death of soldiers by cooking steaks on the grill. It seems like it should be a day of fasting. But I cooked steaks and ribs on the grill today, and then went for a bicycle ride and got a flat tire...twice.

    You are right, seems a day of fasting would be more appropriate... it's that way after funerals too isn't it? But those who are gone would want us to celebrate life.

    So sorry about the flat tires. I've had those days on my bike rides too and it totally sucks. But you got out there and did it, and survived, so good for you! Boom! <3B)