Hello :-)


My name is Beth, I'm a senior in highschool and I just joined the site a week ago. So far I really enjoy it because it's keeping me from snacking all the time. I am more aware of what I'm putting into my body and it's helping me maintain my present weight. I haven't gotten rid of all my bad eating habits, especially ice cream and eating past eight at night, but hopefully I'll workup to that.

Just wanted to say a quick hello,


  • BethieLee

    My name is Beth, I'm a senior in highschool and I just joined the site a week ago. So far I really enjoy it because it's keeping me from snacking all the time. I am more aware of what I'm putting into my body and it's helping me maintain my present weight. I haven't gotten rid of all my bad eating habits, especially ice cream and eating past eight at night, but hopefully I'll workup to that.

    Just wanted to say a quick hello,
  • Isabelle
    Isabelle Posts: 102
    Welcome BethieLee, It's the same for me. I've lost 10pounds in less than a month just by entering everything I eat. So you don't snack and you know the value of what you eat. So you think twice before you eat that bowl of ice cream! ;)
    Good luck!
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320
    Welcome BethieLee! Good luck with this and your senior year!
  • cwalbrj
    cwalbrj Posts: 61
    Amazing what tracking your food will do !
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Welcome, BethieLee!

    Good for you, finding a supportive website that can help you maintain your weight. I am so impressed by your insight and attitude.

    Ice cream. I had some frozen yogurt (Cherry Garcia......mmm) yesterday. I worked it into my "All Veggie Day" - a day where I have almost no carbs, and can fit in a treat and still stay within my calories - Ben and Jerry's (I put it in the FOOD database)

    :-) Good luck - stay with us!

    ~cheryl and workout partner - kitty - Budhi (like "booty")
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    Good luck Beth, just stick to it even when you feel discouraged.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Awesome Bethie!

    Creating good healthy habits now will make it easier for you to lead a long and healthy life!

    Great attitude!