A quick story

RedArmy1918 Posts: 55 Member
edited May 2015 in Motivation and Support
In February of 2012 I was getting out of a really bad relationship and I started going to therapy to figure out why I had so many insecurities and such low self esteem. Aside from some internal things I had to deal with, my weight was also making these issues worse.

So I started using MFP and I hired a trainer to teach me how to workout. I went from 234 to 203lbs in 7 months.


However, I couldn't pay for the training anymore and after a few shifts in my work life I stopped going to the gym regularly. At the end of 2013 I let myself go and by winter/spring 2014 I had gained all the weight and then some.


I lost all the confidence that I had gained with each pound that I gained. After my 29th birthday this past January, my size 40 pants were too tight. Many things made it click, especially realizing how much my weight was holding me back from enjoying life.

So instead of getting size 42 pants I decided to commit myself to my body again, but this time with the help of a nutritionist.

I've lost 14 pounds since February, when I started using MFP again. I just started using the forums this week and I can really see the difference it makes.


Thanks everyone for being on here sharing your victories and defeats. I really believe that I can reach my goals with all of your support.

For my 30th birthday this coming January I want to be at least a size 36 if not a size 34. I hope you stick around to celebrate with me!

