eating more to lose more

It's a phrase I'm sceptical of but now that I'm 2 weeks from my "used to be" goal-date and am no longer losing (and my weighing etc is accurate) on netting 1000 calories ot less, who has had success with this?

I'm talking that I've been doing 1000 calories or less for 2-3 years not 2-3 weeks and I don't think I should be dropping lower...

Did you gradually build up? Or jump straight up 200 or so to see results?

Did anyone do it and not see results and get them in another way?

Thanks in advance :)


  • ibnfaqir
    ibnfaqir Posts: 139 Member
    I will tell you what I am doing. My TDEE is 2600 and I was doing 1600 a day. I lost a lot of muscle mass. I am slowly increasing it to 1900-2100. A very high deficit is not sustainable. Guess what? I am gaining more vascularity and my stomach is getting leaner on higher calories. I am playing with my macros but upping the calories is working. On workout days I do not go below 1900-2000 it is detrimental for me maybe different for you. +/- 200/2000 seems to be the magic number for me. Now as the weight drops I will recalibrate but for now it is working.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Can we stick to one thread ...OP multi posted in error

    Is busier