stopping the urge to get fast food



  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Drink more water/Eat foods with more fiber/Nothing wrong with treating yourself once a week to fast food, it's one day the other 6 days of the week you can control your caloric intake. Also, with the nice weather with more exercise you can have more safety calories if you go over by a little. This has worked for me, since January 1st, down 50 pounds. :)
  • tiffany31989
    tiffany31989 Posts: 44 Member
    That's good for you :)
  • Elarah11
    Elarah11 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're like me you'll hate wasting prepared food. So I will find time in the morning to prepare my lunch and supper for that day while I am cooking breakfast. I also add some spices and noncreamy sauces so when I smell the food I will want to eat it, not pass it off for a cheeseburger. If you prepare you're food and spend the time logging it into MFP, I find I am less likely to cheat. Also, it helps if someone takes away your car keys so you can't make the mistake of giving in and driving. If you want fast food, jog there or go for a long jog, burn what you'll eat and have the fast food. Sometimes it's better to give in than to stress it out (sometimes meaning no more than once a week). Give yourself a cheat day every now and again (no more than once a week again). If you designate a day for your cheat day, make a list of your cravings throughout the week so you can satisfy those urges on that designated day. Rome wasn't built in a day and to think everyone is capable of having so much willpower isn't very logical. If you're serious about losing weight and want a cheat day, start off with one a week. After a while you will be liking the losing weight part vs the cheeseburger eating and you'll not desire it as much. From there move your cheat day to once every two weeks. Take the steps that make you feel good and don't be too hard on yourself. Just don't lose track of what you want. A given rule is 5. 5 days of doing something usually gets you in that addictive state. 5 days of healthy eating and it'll be a habit. Just make sure your healthy food tastes good. If it's bland you're more likely to have more bad days than good. Make it temporary. Thinking of eating healthy forever sucks. Tell yourself to do a 7 day challenge, then a 2 week challenge, then a 30 day challenge. If you make it temporary it's not as stressful. Once you start seeing results, you will want the healthier lifestyle vs the unhealthy. That's my two cents anyways. Hope it helps.
  • hlpnhounds
    hlpnhounds Posts: 3 Member
    For me fast foods have become a thing of the past---even before I started using MFP. I used to think nothing of stopping off to pick up a burger and fries and mindlessly eating that while on my way home from a day of shopping. The thing that clicked for me wasn't as much the calories but the bigger picture of the industry as a whole. We started to add in REAL foods--locally farmed foods. We also make it a point to shop at farmers markets and local food co-ops. The more we started to do that, the better we started to feel and the less appealing fast foods became to us.
    I started thinking of foods in categories---whole real foods that come from a local farmer or as close to it as possible OR processed, mass produced foods whose origin I have no idea.
    In all honesty, it probably helps a lot that I love to cook and to experiment with different flavors etc. however, I cannot remember the last time I have eaten at a McD's or similar.

    This has been about getting healthy, eating better and moving more. It started with my first trips to the farmer's market and has grown from there.