Getting Started ... Again...

Leonza31 Posts: 2 Member
How do you set yourself up for success? How do you maintain that same fire and enthusiasm on day 1 through to... Hell I'd take day 7!? I'm a full time working Mom of two teenagers with a hubby who works away from home a lot. It feels like I've been here before, multiple times, starting over. Making the plans, getting off to a good start and then falling short even a few days in because I let everything else get in the way. I need to keep that motivation present but have a hard time finding it. Though I know results come slowly and take hard work and perseverance, I'm still looking for the quick result to tell me I'm doing good. Any suggestions? I'm currently 197lbs and recently diagnosed with Type 2, which really pissed me off even though I had no one to blame but myself. It's time... I can't be the Mom and role model for my 15 year old daughter that she needs behaving like I have been.


  • kasaz
    kasaz Posts: 274 Member
    Often I just do it without the motivation and the motivation follows. Another thing I've done lately is follow some tips in the Beck Diet for Life book which is cognitive behavioral therapy. Things like telling myself "No Choice". If I'm waffling back and forth about eating something, or not, or a smaller portion . . . I just tell myself "no choice" I'm having none of it. Also things like "Hunger is not an emergency". Remembering it will pass that I need to wait for my next planned meal or snack.

    Try to put yourself and your health at the top of your list of priorities. You are important and further no one else can do it for you. Good luck, this is a lifetime thing try to make changes you can do for a lifetime!
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I get the motivation from succeeding in doing rather than losing. I don't have much left to lose and it seems impossible to move that scale downward. But I do feel proud of myself every day I stay within my calorie limit. I also feel proud of myself when I exercise because I would love to lie in the hammock with a book instead! I also am very motivated by being a good role model for my kids. Would I want to see my daughter eat an entire pint of ice cream? Not so much, so I don't do it myself. Or if I do, then I lace on my sneakers and go for a long walk. Take that Diabetes diagnosis and tell yourself that you want to be a different person. You can do it. You're a mom! We can do anything! Add me if you want a friend for motivation.
  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hang in there. It is so easy to put yourself on the back burner. I keep clothes that have been too tight and now look better. I bend over and am able to touch the floor. I don't wake up with food hangovers, feel mentally sluggish. It is these things that keep me going.
    Have list 30 pounds, 60 more to go. I realized that these 90 pounds happened because I didn't take any time to take care of me. Carve time out for yourself, celebrate the changes you have made, enjoy the small changes more than the cupcake you want. Most of all, take care of your needs as well, you are worth it.
  • HufflepuffAngie
    HufflepuffAngie Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same situation! Add me if you want :) I'm starting over today as well
  • QueenBee2226
    QueenBee2226 Posts: 9 Member
    I am in too! I also have teenagers, hubby, and am busy too. Need more time for myself. Gained weight as I am in Middle Forties! Was thin OMG! Boobs, Belly, & Butt! Yoga in the mornings maybe twice a week, I know, I need to do that more. Walking...need to do that more too. Riding bike need to do that more too! But how do those chips call my name by 11:30am..and a soda! What is wrong with me..I sit and munch working on the computer. I say, I wont do this again tomorrow....yet I do it again! I am going to try to cut out bread, and soda....omg the soda calls my name...I don't over eat portions but I get too many calories from JUNK! Which I crave...did not do this my entire life...some reason after my mother died several years ago...I liked cheetos...hated them my entire liked them...other foods I would not eat and hated...i began eating those junk/crud foods..and found..hey I do like these..Wondering how did this happen. Pizza forget about it! I only eat one slice and a salad...but CRAVE it. Never really liked it before. Always had a nice about it! :(
  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    I am pretty sure we all know hunger isn't the biggest motivation for over eating. Stress, sadness, etc..... I have 100 lbs to lose. Lost 30 so far. Last week went into a funk, ate all week long, at one point so much I made myself sick. Yikes!!
    Almost said forget it. Got back on wagon this week, looked at the positive gains I have made so far and realized I am going to have to deal with this for a loooong time.
    I understand so hard to be vigilant day in and day out. My mantra is I am tired of being fat over and over and over. Also say I like being hungry over and over. I started nutrisystem after trying herbal life, have to say nutrisystem is amazing, loosing weight so quickly, and not even that hungry. It's pricey, but at this point I am willing to pay the price.
    Keep looking for the "diet" that works for you, something that helps you lose, but doesn't leave you absolutely starved to death.
    Most of all, you got this, you can so reach your goal!!!
  • Leonza31
    Leonza31 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I'm pretty impressed by all this everyone! I've never joined a "community" before, for anything, so I really felt like I was going out on a limb and putting too much out there so to speak. Of course I know that I'm not the only person in the world to feel the way I do, to struggle with the temptation of filling my face with chocolatey goodness while binge-watching anything.... Yep chocolate is my weakness.
    I did Herbal Magic about 7 years ago and was really successful with it. I don't know what it was, likely more mind over matter than any of the product they "made" me buy, but at the time I didn't care. I saw the scale hit the 179lb mark and was thrilled. Shortly after that however I let my life get in the way again and put my success on the back burner. Now I'm back up and it's feels worse than ever, I can't fathom paying the money to Herbal Magic again particularly since I already know the "program" inside out, but what I think I do need and miss is the accountability. Does that even make sense? Having to report to someone who is gonna call me out for eating something I shouldn't have ... Even though I know I could have said anything I wanted.... Seemed to hold me more accountable.
    I know the most important person I need to be accountable to is myself. That should be enough shouldn't it? But it's amazing what happens to that mindset as you are reaching for crap to "de-stress" from the day!
    I'm heading out soon for a power walk and then coming home to take a few rounds out on my punching bag!! Yeah .. A punching bag and I still feel the need to de-stress with food! I don't get it! But thanks to you all for the words of encouragement. I feel a little less "alone" in this life changing plan of mine.