Menopausal and Overweight

Hi all,
I'm 52 and far too heavy to enjoy everyday things. I suffer from depression (although I'm much better) and am on 3 anti-depressants which don't help in the weight loss department. I found this site and thought I'd give it a try.
Thanks for the support.


  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is an amazingly supportive community for the most part. There are the occasional Debbie Downers or the male equivalents on some forums but if you just ignore them, you will see that most people are here to help.

    I am also menopausal and have dropped just over 50 lbs over the last four years. Slow going but I am almost at my second goal weight. I just keep plugging away at it. Just realize that it took time for you to put the weight on so it will take time for it to come off.

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • tjham1
    tjham1 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 65 and still get hot flashes. ;) MFP has been so helpful to me! Good Luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Exercise, preferably outdoors in a natural setting, in the natural light, is great for depression. So is eating a healthy low-sugar, low caffeine, low alcohol combo of foods.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Elizabeth, glad you are here! Just remember to take it one day at a time, make one change at a time--whether in the diet or exercise department. You have taken a big first step in coming to MFP--lots of supportive people here. I am going on 44 and just starting menopause...not fun!! But losing 40 lbs has helped my outlook on life immensely and I am as ready as I can be to face my changing and sometimes raging hormones.

    A few years back i went through depression and my psychologist told me at one time to start exercising or he'd put me on anti-depressants. There must be a connection between what the medication does that exercise might be able to do. Maybe if and when you can get into a regular exercise routine, your doctor may be able to take some of your meds out of the equation? Just trying to offer some hope--don't know if anyone had ever talked to you about that?
  • NancyMansberger
    NancyMansberger Posts: 1 Member
    I hope you just stay with it. Try to be active 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week. (By "be active" I mean--do what you can, walk, use a recumbent bike, whatever you can do). Eat good things, healthy things. My life is so enriched, and I now feel so empowered to do whatever it is I think I want to do! By starting small, patting yourself for every positive thing you do for yourself, and then trying to slowly increase the number of good, caring things your do for yourself (yes, I count exercise and eating good, healthy food as acts of self-love!), you will find your horizons will grow.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome! Believe you'll find the site helpful and people supportive. Best of luck as you work towards you goals of a healthy lifestyle
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Welcome. I'm 52 as also, went thru early menopause due to surgery at age 37. I'm fairly new here but find this forum to be immensely supportive so far . yes, there are always a few annoyingtons but for the most part everyone has been very nice.

    Start slowly and log what you do.