zulu queen

tgoba Posts: 1 Member
From south africa, ran my catering biz and gained a large amount of wait, tried new cuisines and the mouth kept sampling, woke up to a harsh reality when I tried on outfits that no longer fit, devastation kicked in as an emotional eater I cried my eyes to some ice cream......no more! I want my life back which was full of adventure and excitement


  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck!
  • catharinamkotze
    catharinamkotze Posts: 57 Member
    From SA as well.
    Totally understand your situation.
    Everyone here does.
    And we know how to fix it!
    So good luck, stay strong and don't give up!
  • naijagirltech
    naijagirltech Posts: 2 Member
    I'm from America but living in South Africa and new to MFP...