Hi everybody

The name's Stephanie aka omnipotentmiku. I'm eighteen and have been on the weight loss track since July of last year, so about 11 months, almost a year, when I stepped on the scale one day and saw to my disgust and dismay that I was 196 lbs. Since then, through at least trying to eat less and drink more water and tea instead of sugary beverages (I kicked the soda habit!) I've lost roughly 13 pounds; I'm now about 183 lbs.Now I'm starting to actually eat better now that I live with my mom and just recently started going to the gym everyday and will hopefully reach my goal of between 135-145 (I'm not sure what will look and feel best so I'll come up with a more definite goal once I get closer to that range. But anyways, further information is this is about my third attempt to get healthy and I've been doing really well sticking to it this long as I've made it a serious habit by now. <3