How can you determine your body shape if you're overweight?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still don't really know my shape. And I'm 15 pounds under the overweight category. I'm guessing rectangle because I don't have waist/hip ratio for an hourglass, but who knows...

    I think you can tell even when you're obese though... I know it was clear for me that I was never a pear, for example, as my thighs were never that big and I've always had pretty big breasts.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,237 Member
    I'm trying to set a goal for myself, so I won't get discouraged so easily. For the past couple weeks I have been because I don't know what I'm looking for since I've been overweight my entire life. "Just losing weight" is starting to feel aimless without a goal in mind.

    My first goal was getting back into my normal weight range. I wasn't even sure it was going to be possible to go lower than that, but I wanted to be back there again.

    Maybe, instead of trying to pick an end goal, pick a First Goal. Then when you get there, pick your Second Goal.

    My second goal was a small one ... about 3 kg lower than the borderline normal/overweight weight. I thought I might stop when I got there, and I took a 1-month break from dieting and logging etc. But then I decided to keep going and lost another 11 kg.

    As for my body shape ... no idea. Probably hourglass??