Holiday rapidly approaching

Ok, I have been terrible on my diet and started afresh again this morning (yes, again!).

This time in 8 weeks I shall be at the airport waiting to fly for a few days in Amsterdam and I want to lose a stone if I can in those 8 weeks.

Had breakfast this morning which I don't usually do, took the dog out for half an hour with her favourite toy so it was a much more energetic walk than usual and had a home made bowl of soup for lunch. Got a nice salmon fillet with new potatoes and salad for tea...yum.

I can do this, I can do this!!!


  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    You can do this indeed! A stone is 14 pounds? (Thanks, Google!) That's aggressive but you might get close.

    Now I want new potatoes. :smiley:
  • jessiemjporter
    jessiemjporter Posts: 174 Member
    you will lose weight!!!
    14lbs i agree can be aggressive (BUT it depends on your stats now)
    i always aim for 1.3lbs a week.. so i think you could do AT LEAST 8lbs but probably closer to the 12lbs.. go for it!! :smiley: i would like to lose about 12lbs in 8 weeks to