Any tips for a busy mom?

So, I've done this before - lost 60+ pounds. But, I was single and about 10 years younger. I could eat what I needeed and had plenty of time for exercise. Now, I am married, have two kids, and work full time. Does anyone have any tips for weight loss as a busy working parent? I really think my busy schedule and duties as mom are what caused me to get back to this point again. I know I need to make time for myself.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am a busy working mom...I am lucky however my son is older.

    When I started a couple years ago I said to myself...I need to be healthy in order to take care of my family...because if I can't do it who will???? them

    So the first step is making yourself a priority, which you know.

    My first steps were to start logging consistently and accurately (using a food scale and choosing correct entries) that is how I lost almost 60lbs...

    Exercise at first was quick 20-30mins dvds in my living room while the family milled around or Wii just dance etc.
    I walked with them, biked with them
    Then I moved onto working out with weights on my own 3x a week. It was about an hour and when it started taking too long I move to a different program and now I am on another one for intermediate lifters which takes about 30mins a day 4 days a week. I do this all at home...along with walking/running in the evening.

    The tips I have are prelogging and's the best way. Get your family in on it as well...not sure how old your kids are but go for a walk and take them on their bikes or pushing them, get your husband invested in it as well...share household duties such as making dinners etc. Alternate nights putting the kids to bed.

    And remember when your kids see you exercising and trying they will follow suit.
  • katieross1508
    katieross1508 Posts: 32 Member
    Taking time for yourself is easier said then done sometimes.
    Pre plan so you don't sabotage yourself with quick easy high calorie meals. I always have fixing for salads and cooked chicken in my fridge. So I never have to settle for something less healthy if I don't have time to make something it takes 5 minutes to throw together a salad and add some protein on top.

    The eating well and at my calorie intake I have gotten a handle on. But I just don't have enough hours to go for an hour walk or to go to a gym. So I do mine by jumping on the trampoline with the kiddos, playing some soccer, gardening, Something I can include the kids in and still get a really great workout.

    Good luck
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm a super busy mom with a crazy schedule and crazy life. Some days I work up 12 hrs , and still have to come home and cook clean and everything else.
    What I think helped me is planning ahead. I will batch cook my meals and portion them out so they can be easily and quickly reheated. (When I prepare them, I'll weigh everything out and portion it out then and log it so that's already taken care of. ) When I grocery shop, I make sure I pick up fast snacks that will fit into my busy day . I'll get clementines , apples, granola , crackers and keep them handy so I can stay within my daily goal.
    It's important to take time for yourself. Even if you have to wake up 30 mins earlier, or go to bed 30 mins later. Make time for you ! During that time you can squeeze in a quick work out or plan out your healthy portion controlled meals for the week.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    if I can't get to a gym, which is pretty much always during the week, I do dvd's. Jillian Michaels workouts are only 20- 25 minutes and they work
  • Mama_on_a_Bike
    Mama_on_a_Bike Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have been putting this off for a while (and getting heavier) because it just seems so much harder this time around. Maybe because I know how much work goes into it already. I will definitely preplan and make sure we have lots of fresh and clean foods in the refrigerator. My husband is very supportive and will do anything that I need him to do. He wants me to get healthy too. The guilt all comes from my own head. :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have been putting this off for a while (and getting heavier) because it just seems so much harder this time around. Maybe because I know how much work goes into it already. I will definitely preplan and make sure we have lots of fresh and clean foods in the refrigerator. My husband is very supportive and will do anything that I need him to do. He wants me to get healthy too. The guilt all comes from my own head. :)

    don't worry about "clean" unless you mean prewashed.

    have a peek at my diary if you's logged up until Friday with my planned meals...and if I get enough steps in...I will be eating chocolate or ice cream or chips every night.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I suggest that getting a husband to do "anything that I need him to do" includes getting him to see that doing half of the child care and housework is as equally his job as yours. Among other things, batch cooking (as a family) on the weekends is a great way to make the week easier.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Be well organised, do the basics right , make a plan that suits you and commit.
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    I am a busy mom of 3. Its quite the juggle but I have managed to make it work and even make time for me that includes health and fitness. We all get the same # of hours in a day, its how you use those hours;) I love to share ideas and motivation, add me if you want.