needing to lose 90lbs

My fiance and I are getting married in september, I would love to lose some weight before then but the main goal is to lose the full 90 lbs in 6-10 months. We are wanting to have a baby together but feel both of us being overweight may be stopping us. Really would like some tips to help me out along the way!!!!


  • ksousa2
    ksousa2 Posts: 13 Member
    I lost 50lbs and probably have the same to go. For me, it's really important that I have a fitness partner - someone that can push me and hold me accountable. Or at least something to work toward. Wedding and baby sounds like lots of motivation. Good luck. You can do it. I promise.
  • myjourney60
    myjourney60 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! You can do it...this will definitely happen if you work hard and if your in need of a friend I'm looking to lose 50lbs and need someone who understands the married with kids life. I'm 29 married to my best friend and we have an amazing little boy so I don't have tons of time to commit to a lot of people on here but if you need someone add me.
  • cherokeebabygirl1993
    cherokeebabygirl1993 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!!!