I've got to do something!

rnmarion Posts: 4 Member
Hello. This is my first time trying to lose weight and tracking everything though a program such as this. I have become motivated in the past only to have it seem like too much work to keep up with, then I try to track it all in my head and that usually ends miserably by the second day. I currently weigh more than I ever have (I am 5'11", 49, and weigh 254 lbs), and I am tired of feeling like I have no energy! I want to return to the weight I was in my 30's, which is roughly 185. I also would love to get rid of the gut that I have. A measurement that I took of my mid section is 50"...way too big!

I have never been good at sticking to an exercise program and even worse at sticking to diets. I literally hate the word diet. I understand that losing weight isn't going to be accomplished with any diet that I start until I reach a predetermined goal, then return to the way I was eating. I am looking to change the way that I eat. That is going to be a major challenge for me because I tend to be very stubborn with trying new things and am not real adventurous when it comes to new foods.

I could use words of encouragement through the process. I know that I need to keep an interest in doing this and am hoping that becoming engaged in the discussion groups will help me.

Looking forward to meeting some new friends in here!



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi Robert
    The good thing about mfp is that you can still lose weight and eat the foods you love. It's not a diet at all. It's a life style change. I lost all my weight having ice cream, candy, whatever daily. I just learned portion control and moderation.
    You will need a food scale to weigh everything you consume. Then you'll need to learn how to log it here accurately in order for this to work. At first, weighing everything isn't easy but it does get easier in time. You need to create a deficit and you'll lose weight. To make sure that you are actually eating at a deficit, you'll have to weigh everything you consume. Eyeballing portions doesn't work.
    Best of luck to you!
  • rnmarion
    rnmarion Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! As of right now, I am committed. I hope that being involved in the discussion groups keeps me committed. Using the scales will be a new thing for me, but I am willing to do what it takes (right now, at least).