ambitions of being a slim trim chick

Hello! My name is Aneva I'm 29 yes old going into my 30s this year. I decided to make a lot of changes for the next decade of my life from relocating to another state to starting my 100 weight drop journey. I have been on this journey for quite some time and I am like most of us so fed up with the starting over process. I would love to get tips from someone that was once in my shoes and have since lost weight all naturally. I am currently 314lbs (my biggest ever) and I'm 5'8. I am truly ready for change I can't live another 10 yrs in this body... I have a 7 yr old that I have to get active for and so many things to accomplish in life. Please help! Lol


  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Haven't been in your shoes (but I have been heavy at one time). Found what worked for me is making changes I could live with (it's a lifestyle, not a diet). Don't try to make all the changes at once, just make the ones you know you can live with for right now--"Rome wasn't built in a day." Biggest thing I would start off with is watching how much sugar you are eating (believe it or not that is worse than eating a little too much fat [good fats of course]). And if at all possible go for short walks--10 - 15 minutes if you can do it.
  • anevajones
    anevajones Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for commenting! I never really penpointed sugar over anything else that is something that I will definitely do here on out to see how it effects me. I already walk 9 miles a week but I have been slacking so I plan to start that up again too. Yes you are right.. Rome wasn't built in one day and neither was my belly lol. Thank you for the encouragement!
  • penfaith
    penfaith Posts: 9 Member
    If you want some motivation, this documentary about a post pregnant mom's weight loss journey to becoming a model. My motivation went up the hill because If this mom that has 2 kids and a sick husband can transform herself in 10 months, why can't I! Someone recommended this to me the other day so hopefully this will help you as well!