Don't have energy to workout?



  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    snoringcat wrote: »
    How many calories are you eating?

    Around 1000-1200 cals.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    snoringcat wrote: »
    How many calories are you eating?

    Around 1000-1200 cals.

    This explains it. You should probably eat more, AFAIK you should never net below 1200 calories!
  • JSC145
    JSC145 Posts: 79 Member
    A banana and a coffee before hand are great, gives you the carbs and caffeine kick.

    This is what I do
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Okay, thanks guys. I will do the banana/coffee thing.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    edited May 2015
    snoringcat wrote: »
    How many calories are you eating?

    Around 1000-1200 cals.

    OMG thats all?!

    That explains why you have no energy!

    Yup, I don't eat much at all and that's why is hard for me to get rid of the last pounds. :(
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I cant do this right now, been up all night working third shift.

    Baby girl you are about to have a lot of good advice thrown your way and some bad advice. Please listen closely.

    I wish you luck.

    Thank you, I will actually try what you're saying about eating at maitance.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm having a problem since I started lowering my calories for weight loss. I don't have any energy for morning workouts! UHGGGG, I barely go 20 mins on elliptical and have to stop. I know it's because of my intake, but do you have any advace? Some food, supplement or something that might help?
    After workout I get shaky, my blood sugar drops etc.
    snoringcat wrote: »
    How many calories are you eating?
    Around 1000-1200 cals.

    1) I can't believe some of the responses in this thread...

    2) You definitely need to eat more (and quite honestly, it wouldn't make any sense to me for just a banana and/or coffee to somehow do the trick -- especially given what's happening with your blood sugar levels, and after 20 minutes of cardio... and coffee doesn't have any calories -- caffeine isn't going to magically provide the kind of fuel needed to prevent your blood sugar from plummeting)... already know the cause-and-effect reality at play here -- you lowered your calories, and now you don't have energy for workouts... calories aren't an enemy -- they're fuel for the body, and they're needed to fuel workouts (especially cardio)... I'd be curious to know how many calories you suddenly removed from what *had* been an amount that *did* provide fuel for your workouts...

    ...and aspects of your replies seem to indicate that you're trying to avoid caloric intake, even if it's needed...

    ...and if that's the case, then you're going to have a heck of a time fueling a workout... and if you won't fuel the physical activity (with calories, let alone, the kind that your body needs to fuel a given form of activity (along with its intensity, duration, etc.)), then why engage in the activity at all? -- i.e. what's the point?

    Not consuming enough calories (and the right kind, in particular) to allow for physical activity -- and then engaging in physical activity -- is somewhat pointless... and if a workout isn't fueled, and is actioned while one is 'running on fumes', then (and among so much else) you (and your body) won't get out of it what you otherwise could... and it becomes an exercise in futility, a waste of time, and can be a rather unpleasant experience (as you've discovered)...

    Without knowing what your original caloric intake was (prior to your lowering it to 1000-1200), I have no idea just how much of a decrease is involved... but, that being said, it seems as though you're utilizing a deficit that is too aggressive... and it certainly doesn't allow for your engaging in physical activity... (and I cannot fathom how even a sedentary adult human would find 1000-1200 calories a viable and safe amount to limit themselves to)...

    Fwiw --
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    edited May 2015
    I cant do this right now, been up all night working third shift.

    Baby girl you are about to have a lot of good advice thrown your way and some bad advice. Please listen closely.

    I wish you luck.
    Thank you, I will actually try what you're saying about eating at maitance.

    I didn't see these posts prior to my reply having posted (I began to write a reply after reading each of the posts that existed at the time, got interrupted, and then finished and posted).

    I agree that eating at maintenance would be far, far better than what is currently being done. My post included a comment regarding my wondering what calorie level you were at prior to cutting the amount to 1000-1200 (which is too low), in order to gauge how steep the sudden change was, and what the amount of currently-missing-calories equated to (given that it was enough to fuel workouts).

    I, as well, wish you luck...
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I was eating around 1500-1600 calories, and sometimes (before my period) I go like a crazy-monster and eat too much like 2000 cal. So I think lowering them to 1000 like you said was really agressive and not good for me. I have just 5kg. to lose (where I gained in really short amont of time, due emotional over-eating) and I thought "if I restrict like that for I month I will get rid of it", but I'm not feeling well :(
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    You are not lacking energy from a biological standpoint... Rather, you are normal person who is just starting out and lacking motivation. Dreading going to the gym is going to drain you until you reach that point when you get pumped for it.

    Also, there is no need to do the elliptical for 20 minutes every time you go to the gym And I wouldn't advise it. Try focusing on a proven weight lifting routine instead of tons of cardio. Lastly, if morning workouts drain you then go in the afternoon or night.

    Look, my problem is a lack of motivation. I'm working out for 3 years regulary 5 times a week. So if I'm not sick or something there is no stopping me from workout. I've been feeling like this for the past 2 weeks. After workout I get shaky, my blood sugar drops etc. I was asking advace for nutritional food or maybe a supplement.

    Unfortunately, that won't help you and you were already told that you need to eat more.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I was eating around 1500-1600 calories, and sometimes (before my period) I go like a crazy-monster and eat too much like 2000 cal. So I think lowering them to 1000 like you said was really agressive and not good for me. I have just 5kg. to lose (where I gained in really short amont of time, due emotional over-eating) and I thought "if I restrict like that for I month I will get rid of it", but I'm not feeling well :(

    You said on the first page that you're only eating 1000-1200 cals?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    snoringcat wrote: »
    How many calories are you eating?

    Around 1000-1200 cals.

    It's not hard to figure out that your problem is right there^^

    Stop it with your common sense and logic... It's not wanted here!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    What is wrong with 20 minutes on the elliptical? As you get stronger you can add additional exercise and exercise for longer periods of time. Also, try exercising at different times of the day. Not everyone can exercise in the morning. I do much better exercising right after work (small snack) and before dinner.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I was eating around 1500-1600 calories, and sometimes (before my period) I go like a crazy-monster and eat too much like 2000 cal. So I think lowering them to 1000 like you said was really agressive and not good for me. I have just 5kg. to lose (where I gained in really short amont of time, due emotional over-eating) and I thought "if I restrict like that for I month I will get rid of it", but I'm not feeling well :(

    You said on the first page that you're only eating 1000-1200 cals?

    I eat 1000 - 1200 calories when I'm restricting...