Is it possible to loose 50lbs. in 6 months?



  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Best of luck, crystal! As folks have said, it's doable but difficult.

    Me, I'm 63, work at a desk. Something more than a year ago, maybe even 18 months or two years ago, the doc told me I was perilously close to diabetes and should cut out "all white carbs." Eat only whole grains, cut out permuch all sugar, that sort of thing.

    So I did that, and lost more than 40 pounds without really trying. I'm still amazed.
    Now I'll grant that a lot of that was cutting out snacking on chips, chocs and ice cream, all of which are big on white carbs. But since the doc hadn't said "stop junk food," it didn't FEEL as restrictive. And some was paying attention to portion sizes.

    Went from too-tight size 20 to size 16. I don't know how long it took me, but I weighed 196 when I stopped here briefly in January 2013, and my peak weight, the doc recently told me, was north of 210. I can't remember whether it was 211 or 212.

    The joy for me was that the weight came off without obsessing about it - something that had never happened before.

    I'm here because I'd plateaued at 165, give or take a few pounds either way. Hoping to get to 150. I've started with a goal of a pound a week, but may drop that to half a pound.

    So now back to obsession. But I hope to graduate to working within a calorie limit without thinking about it as much. :)
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Best of luck, crystal! As folks have said, it's doable but difficult.

    Me, I'm 63, work at a desk. Something more than a year ago, maybe even 18 months or two years ago, the doc told me I was perilously close to diabetes and should cut out "all white carbs." Eat only whole grains, cut out permuch all sugar, that sort of thing.

    So I did that, and lost more than 40 pounds without really trying. I'm still amazed.
    Now I'll grant that a lot of that was cutting out snacking on chips, chocs and ice cream, all of which are big on white carbs. But since the doc hadn't said "stop junk food," it didn't FEEL as restrictive. And some was paying attention to portion sizes.

    Went from too-tight size 20 to size 16. I don't know how long it took me, but I weighed 196 when I stopped here briefly in January 2013, and my peak weight, the doc recently told me, was north of 210. I can't remember whether it was 211 or 212.

    The joy for me was that the weight came off without obsessing about it - something that had never happened before.

    I'm here because I'd plateaued at 165, give or take a few pounds either way. Hoping to get to 150. I've started with a goal of a pound a week, but may drop that to half a pound.

    So now back to obsession. But I hope to graduate to working within a calorie limit without thinking about it as much. :)