Losing weight with PSOS 1 lb at a time!

Hello everyone!

So I have been struggling with weight since my son was born.. At the beginning I blame the gain on the pregnancy but is now 8 years later and I have lots weight and gained weight and lost and gained.. Finally rhis year I have not been able to loose any weight regardless of what I do... So I seek medical help. Turns out I have PSOS (policystic ovarian syndrome) which makes it really hard to lose weight. So determined to not let this control my life, I have started to gain control of it. It became a very hard to stay motivated one lb at a time but in a month I lost 6 lbs and I am happy with this. To top off I just got engaged 2 months ago and my wedding will be at the end of September... My start weight was 178.... And my wedding goal weight I want it to be 135 lbs I have lost 6 lbs leaving me with 37 lbs to lose until wedding day. Overall I want to be 120 lbs. one lb a day I can do this. Anyone who wants to add me for support and motivation please do so. I REALLY NEED SUPPORT :)