Similar Goals


I was hoping to find more people similar goal as mine, as my overall goal is not to lose a lot of weight but to become more fit. I'm three pounds away from my weight goal, from there I will focus fully on recomp and lowering my BF%. Right now I'm exercising 6 days a week for at least an hour each day, lifting 3 days and cardio 3 days, with a lightly active day. I'm eating close to 1,500-1,600 calories each day (I just recently changed my calories based on my TDEE, so I don't long my exercise calories) and I'm estimating my maintenance to be close to 2,000 if not more but of course I'll find out when I get there. I've been following this plan since March, so for about three months now, but I've been on this journey since January.
Your plan doesn't necessarily have to include recomp, I wouldn't mind having friends who do bulk and cut cycles, or people who are still losing weight but might one day want to start recomp or to bulk and cut. If you'd like to be friends just leave me a short message when you friend me, or leave a reply here and I'll friend you :smile:.