Day 1 of 30 day shred!

Heydew Posts: 54 Member
oh man....anyone else doing the Jillian Michael 30 day shred? It's free on YouTube. Holy crap it was hard. I could barely make it up the steps to lie down afterwards! Please say it gets easier!


  • jessicabuckingham
    jessicabuckingham Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting today... :(
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I'm super tired today but not crazy sore or anything! When did jumping jacks get so hard!
  • sjrutherf
    sjrutherf Posts: 27 Member
    I am excited to hear that it is available on YouTube! I ordered it from the library and have been waiting to start. Maybe I can start tonight now that I know!
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I think there is a meal plan that comes with the actual dvd and that's the only difference. But I feel like as long as I'm trying to eat "cleaner" and stay under my calories I will still get some good results
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Nope. I've tried the program a few times, but I never finished it. I personally found the workouts too redundant, and I got bored doing the same thing every day for a week. Each tier is equally as good at making you question why you did that to yourself. Definitely a good cardio workout, but definitely not easy by any means.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Heydew wrote: »
    I think there is a meal plan that comes with the actual dvd and that's the only difference. But I feel like as long as I'm trying to eat "cleaner" and stay under my calories I will still get some good results

    No need to eat "clean". Just need to be in a deficit.
  • Swackies
    Swackies Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ! Im starting today! Ive done it before but never completed it and in that time I did notice some slight changes. Its a good jumping ground.
  • jessicabuckingham
    jessicabuckingham Posts: 5 Member
    Day three coming up.. pain...
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    I just did day 3 last night. I way better after I did it than before. All day I was so sore and going down stairs was the worst! But when I got home and did the workout it was so much easier to get around. I was very surprised!
  • tamrelle
    tamrelle Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day four today. I am starting this program for the second time. Last time I got discouraged and "too busy" to get past week one. I'm hoping this time I can do it. It is not easy!
    What pound weights are you using? I'm using light ones, 0.5kg and it's still hard! Last time I used 2 kg and I couldn't move and even finish the 20 minutes, so I'm hoping I can get further with the smaller weights and still see results.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Heydew wrote: »
    oh man....anyone else doing the Jillian Michael 30 day shred? It's free on YouTube. Holy crap it was hard. I could barely make it up the steps to lie down afterwards! Please say it gets easier!

    It gets easier :lol:
    By day 10 you won't be half as sore / out of breath. But of course then there's the next level to look forward to, which might not be as easy. Stick with it and you'll see a lot of changes in your body.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm at day 4 now! Still have to stop every now and then to "catch my breath for 5 seconds" but not nearly as much as day 1! I use 3lb weights. I can def feel it, but I haven't worked out like this in forever so I dont have a lot of endurance yet. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress! I took some before pictures!
  • pipo0984
    pipo0984 Posts: 309 Member
    Feel free to Add me all lets motivate each other!! :)
  • jessicabuckingham
    jessicabuckingham Posts: 5 Member
    I've just finished day 5 - I went away for the weekend so had to hide out in my boyfriends parents lounge whilst they went shopping to do the workout! I felt very proud of myself until they came back with a curry :neutral: oh well!

    Also I too have been feeling like I need heavier weights - tomorrows mission! X
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I did the 2x when I first joined MFP...(actually the reason I found MFP) I found the first 10 days not bad...hard but not bad...the first time I did it.

    I won't 1 cycle 2...I laid on my floor and cried....not big sobs just little ones...not trying to scare you but it was hard.

    cycle 3 wasn't bad at all...

    2nd round I did each cycle until I could do all the exercises non modified...

    but that being said to motivate you first round I lost a total of 9 inches and 2.5lbs (no scale for food)
    2nd round I lost another 4 inches and 4lbs (was using a food scale)

    I liked it...learned to tolerate mountain climbers etc..
  • bettina274
    bettina274 Posts: 59 Member
    I started it also before but just got to the beginning of level 2 and kinda stopped, I guess I was bored as well. Want to start back up though and actually finish this time! add me if you like :)
  • lili89
    lili89 Posts: 78 Member
    I started 4 days ago but I'm alternating at the moment between that and cycling, my legs have been a killer but I love the work out! I completed it a few years ago and lost 14lb in a month and toned up considerably! Huge fan here :smiley:
  • pedrozamatt
    pedrozamatt Posts: 67 Member
    I started body revolution about a year ago, and I could only do one ten minute cycle; plus, it made my calves burn like crazy. Then, I quit in order to walk and build my own weightlifting routine. One month I lost 15 pounds. I think I lost that much weight because I had maintained a healthy diet for a few months, and my exercise routine was consistent. Now I've gained the weight back and I'm trying to start exercising again.
  • JJakubowski4
    JJakubowski4 Posts: 10 Member
    i saw someone asking for the nutrition plan for this as well and i found this

    i dont know if it is the one that you are supposed to do with this work out
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Had to pause on this yesterday and today....upper respiratory infection....still lost a pound though which I haven't done since starting it. Maybe because of building muscle? Anyway, will hopefully pick it back up soon....I don't want to be sick :(
  • Porcinette
    Porcinette Posts: 34 Member
    Count me in!!!!!! Please add me for motivation
  • jessicabuckingham
    jessicabuckingham Posts: 5 Member
    I just completed day 9! Feeling quite proud because I've had a lot of sofa moments where I've had to battle with my motivation and not moving to do it till about 11pm! I haven't checked my measurements since day 1, I'm going to do it on the morning of day 11 as I won't get to do day 10 until late tomorrow after work... quite excited/apprehensive.

    Hope you get well soon Heydew, and good luck all of you! X

  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Yay your doing so awesome! Sucks that I'm falling behind....hopefully I will feeling better tomorrow :(
  • jessicabuckingham
    jessicabuckingham Posts: 5 Member
    Day 10 yesterday so I measured in this morning : I lost 1.5 inches of my hips 2 inches off my waist and half an inch off my thighs. Only .2 off my arms which is a shame but I have real weights (still light though) now which should help!! I start L2 tonight...
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    That's awesome! I'm still sick...completely lost my voice. I really want it to be over soon! I also downloaded the couch to 5k app that I would like to start Monday as well. I'm going to a work conference and will be participating in a 5k in 8 weeks.
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    Congrats on starting the 30 day shred. Starting something new is always tough. Stick to the 3 keys and you will be successful. The 3 keys are nutrition, exercise, and support. Feel free to add me.
  • nicole3dorsey
    nicole3dorsey Posts: 21 Member
    Heydew wrote: »
    oh man....anyone else doing the Jillian Michael 30 day shred? It's free on YouTube. Holy crap it was hard. I could barely make it up the steps to lie down afterwards! Please say it gets easier!

    Thanks for the info about it being on you tube Iam gonna do that for tomorrows workout