2800 calories not enough for a division 1 basketball player?



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    np :)

    just wondered that's all ;)

    as a former trainer/coach just wondered.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    maybe i missed it. But doesn't your team have a nutritionist?

    Look at the comment right above, I'm between schools right now. So I can't go to a coach at this point. I don't techniqually have a strength coach cause I haven't fully transferred yet. And enrolled in my new school.

    Unfortunately, none of us or very few of us would have the specialized knowledge to be of much help to someone at your level. However, what people here are good for: helping you get really accurate with your counts if that is an issue and encouraging you to eat more :) If the transfer is definitely happening, I would guess it's very likely that they would be willing to help you out even before you are there especially with general guidance.
  • coltonweisbrod
    coltonweisbrod Posts: 32 Member
    maybe i missed it. But doesn't your team have a nutritionist?

    Look at the comment right above, I'm between schools right now. So I can't go to a coach at this point. I don't techniqually have a strength coach cause I haven't fully transferred yet. And enrolled in my new school.

    Unfortunately, none of us or very few of us would have the specialized knowledge to be of much help to someone at your level. However, what people here are good for: helping you get really accurate with your counts if that is an issue and encouraging you to eat more :) If the transfer is definitely happening, I would guess it's very likely that they would be willing to help you out even before you are there especially with general guidance.

    Yes, I would imagine they would help me even though I'm not actually there yet. I'm just not acquainted with their coach yet. So that's a little awkward, know what I mean lol? But that's a good idea. I could still get in touch with him probably.

  • coltonweisbrod
    coltonweisbrod Posts: 32 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You didn't have to post the pictures. I believed you were who you said.

    My bad lol, you sounded kinda doubtful that's all. I'm sorry. My mistake. I appreciate the help, and Advice though