6 Months Until My Wedding Dress!

Hey guys!

To give you a kind of insight to my life, I am going on 20 years old and I have manic depression (otherwise known as Bipolar disorder). As of the last 6 months, I have been getting increasingly worse and every few months my doctor adjusts my medicines, I feel okay for a week or two, and then it's back into the same painful train of events. With all of this, I have gained about 25-30 pounds, putting me in the worst shape I've been in in my entire life. With my wedding coming up in November, I need to start losing weight and feeling more comfortable in my body. I know that weight doesn't change how much my future husband loves me, and he insists that I don't need to lose any weight, but he also knows how uncomfortable in my body I am. On my wedding day, I am supposed to feel beautiful. And I am going to.

I need motivation! I have tried on and off to lose weight, but I always fall off track due to my disorder. I have a bad day or a bad night, I insist on eating ice cream or drinking a milkshake, and it's all over from there. So I need buddies to make sure that I stay on track, and I will help you to do the same!

My GW is 120lbs, and I'm sitting at 161lbs right now. It's a long stretch, and it won't be easy. But I'm excited for everything to come.

What are your goals/motivations?? I'd love to hear your stories!!