Stronglift 5x5: No Squat Rack? How to Proceed?



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I will look into/try some of the ideas you have suggested.
    I will also be dropping to 2 days a week of weights and one day of yoga (the strength kind not the relax kind). I went to yoga today after not being there since I started weights and it reminded me that it was good for me. I know I will be more sore tomorrow from yoga than I have been yet from 5x5.

    Stuff like Yoga (or equivalents) is a good yin to the yang of heavy lifting. It'll keep you (joints, soft tissue, etc) healthy while you pursue strength...

  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    jimmmer wrote: »
    1) Learn to power clean (if you can't already).

    2) Front squat the weight.

    3) Badassery ensures...

    I love this! I have a shoulder injury so have been doing front squats for about a year. I didn't realise I was being badass but it's good to hear!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    jimmmer wrote: »
    1) Learn to power clean (if you can't already).

    2) Front squat the weight.

    3) Badassery ensures...

    I love this! I have a shoulder injury so have been doing front squats for about a year. I didn't realise I was being badass but it's good to hear!

    Well, now you know!