My last time joining MFP AGAIN

AlyNHill Posts: 3 Member
Hello everyone! My name is Alysa - pronounced just like Alyssa not Ah-Lisa. I have been on MFP off and on several times. I have always felt "fat" even when I was not technically overweight. I lost 30 pounds my senior year of high school using WW. I know nutrition pretty well, but I really HATE working out. When I went to college (I'm now a SENIOR in college - WHOO!) I gained about 50 pounds. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness about two years ago. I would LOVE to lose this weight and KEEP IT OFF! It isn't so much about how I look this time, but more about how I feel. Right now I feel AWFUL! I would love to have more energy and less pain. I am looking for active friends who get on MFP almost every day and are really into motivation and encouragement. Feel free to add me!