Losing weight is easier with friends!

TinkerBell0517 Posts: 8 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Or at least that is what I am told. Hi I am Brittany I am 26 and a student and a student worker. I desperately need to lose some weight I will not lie. I was recently diagnosed with FibroMyalga. Also my family failed to mention to me that High Cholesterol and heart disease runs in my family. My cholesterol is all but deadly at this point as well. So after processing all of this, I have decided, I am not giving up I will lose the 67 pounds that I desperately need to. But I want some friends. I need friends to help me do this..and lets face it the people that I do have around me are the " Lets eat and watch movies" people...I want friends ^.^


  • TinkerBell0517
    TinkerBell0517 Posts: 8 Member
    Lol well...Now I am off on the right foot.
  • NJ84
    NJ84 Posts: 8 Member
    You can do this. I started my weight loss journey at the start of March I'm down 14lbs but still have another 60 to go. Feel free to add me :)
  • Wezah
    Wezah Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Brittany im on the same boat as you :)
  • SME17
    SME17 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Brittany. I've been juicing for a while and my cholesterol has never been lower, I've also noticed better skin and higher energy if you haven't already tried it juicing is a great way to give yourself a boost and shift a bit of weight quicker. I aim for 5 a week at breakfast and so far so good. I also gave up coffee because I crashed in the afternoon and ate rubbish to keep going. Good luck!
  • Natalierae886
    Natalierae886 Posts: 286 Member
    Good luck on your journey, add me if you want, im always giving and looking for support none of my friends are on the same journey I am so this is a great support network. Ive lost 12lb so far still got another 16 to go but hopefully I'll manage it this year