Any Vegan eaters new or old ?

Deidrella Posts: 4 Member
I just started out on my vegan path and I would love any tips on staying vegan, recipes, sites or anything else Your willing to share about vegan lifestyle. If your not vegan we can be friends too just trying to better myself and anyone here can relate to that. :)


  • robooth101
    robooth101 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not vegan, but I quit eating beef and pork this year, and I hope to cut out chicken and dairy by the beginning of next year (baby steps). I'm probably still going to eat seafood and eggs, though. I've found Cooking Light is a good resource for recipes that my husband and I both enjoy, and a lot of their calorie and macro breakdowns can be found in the MFP database.
  • 2hannahbanana
    2hannahbanana Posts: 1 Member
    I've been vegan for about six months, and I am so happy that I found this lifestyle. Camonfruit and essena oneill are two of my favorite youtubers that post vegan-related content, and I also recommend watching Earthlings and Cowspiracy. I think the best way to immerse yourself in the lifestyle is to learn about the vegan message from others and then use those ideas to form your own arguments and ideas about veganism. I hope this is helpful and best of luck on your journey!
  • Vannahteresa
    Vannahteresa Posts: 2 Member
    Hi:) Ive been on the raw till 4 lifestyle for about a month now and i love it! could really use a support system though.
  • Deidrella
    Deidrella Posts: 4 Member
    I love vegan eating it has made everything better, my body, my mind, my kitchen I find it exposes me to new foods so I may be missing out on a hamburger (which only made me feel like crap) but now I can learn how to make them from veggies or eat mushrooms which I love, I'm gaining way more then I'm losing! which I love! Vannahteresa I've been eating raw until 4 for 2 days and I think it works the best for transitioning into the lifestyle it is so easy to grab fruit and eat or some veggies just rinse and go plus I have less dishes to wash my biggest pet peeve in life lol. 2hannahbana I've tried to watch those videos but I bawl my eyes out I'm just going to say that I know where milk comes from and as a mother who breastfed her kid I will never be apart of taking calves away from their moms and drink their babies milk thats insane it wouldn't be accepted to walk up to a human toddler and drink her sippy cup full of moms milk would it, This vegan choice is not a fad its a life style change I'm seeing through to the end. :) and it's nice to meet people who want to try it too
  • Deidrella
    Deidrella Posts: 4 Member
    baby steps are crucial for success you should only bit off what you can chew and I'm glad you are trying :) we all should try to eliminate the consumption of meat for our health and the earth's
  • louisekktahari
    louisekktahari Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there I have been vegetarian 3 years and lately trying to commit 100% to vegan. The meat was easy to get rid of the dairy expecially cheese was hard. However a while back I started almond milk cocunut milk and rice milk and love it. And now I finally got motivated to give up cheese too. There's just cheese hidden in things I don't even think about like pesto. Egg is easy to get rid of too so for me now, it is just a matter of the products you buy already made where I have to be careful if milk or egg is included. I kinda miss sour cream for my south American food I know there's a vegan out there but not that good. So I'm am finally eating vegan unless I make a mistake without being aware of it. Also only using vegan make up , protein powder, bath soap etc and not tested on animals. I would love some support too. Best advice to anyone or the is to read shred it by Robert cheeke. I have learned things about diet muscles and fat burning that is so beneficial.