Exercising and Breastfeeding

I have a 9 week old baby and am exclusively breastfeeding. I am finding it difficult to lose any more of my baby weight because of this. I was a fit 138 lbs before pregnancy and I now weigh 153. I can't seem to break past it. Any suggestions or words of advice?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Breastfeeding burns calories on its own. So, to not lose, you are eating 300-500 calories more than you did pre-pregnancy. Breastfeeding and being exhausted can both make you hungrier than usual and also thirstier than usual, which for me was easy to confuse with hunger, even if this sounds silly. Try to be a bit more careful about your eating, stay well hydrated, and you will lose weight. If you want and can find the time and energy to exercise, there is no reason not to. Do whatever you used to to, there are no restrictions, as long as your dr told you can exercise.
  • eshnna
    eshnna Posts: 109 Member
    Hi there! My daughter just turned one and I only nurse her mornings and evenings. I now use the extra time to exercise. Pregnancy and nursing causes a hormonal rollercoaster in our bodies. Some people lose weight some retain it. I retain it.
    With my first daughter I could not get rid of the extra weight until I stopped nursing her completely. So I figured that would happen with my second pregnancy too.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Be patient. Its only been 9 weeks. Your body just did a huge amazing thing and it's still adjusting.
  • SarahSloth342634
    SarahSloth342634 Posts: 90 Member
    Trust me you WILL lose a lot of weight while breast feeding. Give it 3 months and I bet you will see a difference.
  • krw1183
    krw1183 Posts: 7 Member
    I am working out again, just not as long. It's hard when you have a crying baby with you! I know I need to be patient, but it's difficult. I was in the best shape of my life (lifting heavy and a BMI of 17) before I got pregnant so it's hard not to be that way again. It's pure vanity on my part, I realize this.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    First I'd say is to give it some more time. It's only been a few weeks since you had your baby and your body is probably still adjusting.

    I am 18 weeks post partum. I had a couple weeks where there was literally no weight loss in sight. I would fluctuate like crazy on the scale. But then it started going down again (slowly). At 17 weeks exactly, I lost the last bit of my pregnancy weight and I'm now 2.4 lbs under that.

    Give it time. Make sure you're eating the proper amount of calories (for you) [in my case, I'm losing well on 2000 calories, am 5'2 and exclusively breastfeeding], log consistently, and hydrate. Exercise if you can, but if life is too hectic (like for me), don't sweat it and just focus on your calorie intake.
  • krw1183
    krw1183 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the feedback. I've found that logging my food and activity has helped me see where eating more than I need to. It's difficult with a little baby though to find the time to actually eat healthy things. But fortunately my husband is great so I can get things prepared the night before. Usually, lol. It makes me feel good to know that it's not just me.