Help, Kinda creepy situation, need opinions

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
Ok this happened this a.m. and is really weird, has this ever happened to anyone else, or any idea what was going on with this. I got a call from a private number at 730am, picked up and just heard shuffling like a butt dial then it hung up. Immediately I get another private number call, I pick it up say hello and it almost immediately hangs up. This is the weird part. On my way to work 10 min later my husband calls and says he had a private call to his cellphone and when he answered a man asked if this was (my first and last name)'s husband and when he said yes the guy hung up. Haven't heard anything since, but I am now very weirded out. Any ideas?


  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    Sounds like a psycho ex-boyfriend to me. My advice- watch your back.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    You've come to the right place for help...
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Its def not an ex I've been with husband for 8 years havent' heard a peep and all previous bf's were amicable break ups.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited May 2015
    You've come to the right place for help...
    thoughts and opinions are helpful, you got any of those :smile:

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    well its someone who has both ur home and ur husbands cell. so it is probably someone u know. are ur numbers listed on any social media sites?
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    ^^^^ this.
    good luck.
    Glock 9x19 is a good choice. Don't stop shooting till they hit they ground.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    The calls to your phone I wouldn't have given another thought to. But those combined with the call to your husband? Highly suspicious. I don't know if it's worth reporting, but I'd at the very least keep a record of the times and what was said (or wasn't). If your really concerned, you could always change your cell phone #s.

    PS - Do you have any psycho exes? It definitely sounds stalker-ish.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    probably nothing. My husband did get a call from the "IRS" claiming that they were going to arrest him if we didn't settle our tax dispute. Cracked me up because it freaked him out so bad, and I was like, "honey why would the IRS call and yell at you over the phone without ever sending even a written warning in the mail, obviously a scam" Also have had a guy call and offer me a student loan and wanted me to furnish my bank account number, I made him feel so stupid he started cussing me out and finally hung up on me. Called back after he hung up and it was a pirated number. My advice, have some fun with the jerk's, and never believe anything that is said to you online, or over the phone. Let it go!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    It could be anything .. Collection agent?

    I checked credit report today and all is well.

  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    well its someone who has both ur home and ur husbands cell. so it is probably someone u know. are ur numbers listed on any social media sites?

    sorry should have mentioned it was my cell phone as well

  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    Spnneil06 wrote: »
    probably nothing. My husband did get a call from the "IRS" claiming that they were going to arrest him if we didn't settle our tax dispute. Cracked me up because it freaked him out so bad, and I was like, "honey why would the IRS call and yell at you over the phone without ever sending even a written warning in the mail, obviously a scam" Also have had a guy call and offer me a student loan and wanted me to furnish my bank account number, I made him feel so stupid he started cussing me out and finally hung up on me. Called back after he hung up and it was a pirated number. My advice, have some fun with the jerk's, and never believe anything that is said to you online, or over the phone. Let it go!

    There was DEFINITELY a scam like this going around.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    well that is creepy could be a weird ghost, could be a stalker, could be some other scary thing, could be nothing,could be a weird scam thing

    my advice, keep track write it all down what time you got the calls what was said or not
    that way if you need to go to the cops you got it all there