Incredibly fatigued.. Rest or keep going?



  • Addiewe
    Addiewe Posts: 65 Member
    scottb81 wrote: »
    My suggestion is still to take a day or two of rest. That costs nothing and if it doesn’t fix the problem then you can look for more complex causes and solutions.

    My recent experience: I started a running program in Feb and was up to running a lot every day, about 18 miles a day between walking and running. I initially lost 25 pounds then in the past month weight loss stalled. Then last week I was feeling really tired and got a minor sinus and chest infection. So I rested a day then cut my exercise amount in half for a week. The result is that I am not tired now, the sickness healed, and weight dropped 6 pounds as of today.

    Somene else might say you were not doing enough to get to that point of that walking isn’t stressful. But anything you begin after not doing before is stressful to your body and you were doing a lot in comparison to before with little rest and with the added stress of dieting.

    Let your body adapt to its new activity level and soon this amount won’t be stressful at all. Maybe you are just not at that point yet.

    Thank you. I think I may do just that.
  • novasunflower
    novasunflower Posts: 29 Member
    Make sure you're stretching, and eat a banana or two about 20 minutes before you start. Micros can have a big effect on your workouts--pay attention to iron, potassium and sodium.

    Rest is good allows your body a chance to build itself. I like to just cut my workouts down big time if I'm feeling burnt out. That way I'm still keeping the habit of doing it but not pushing myself to the point of injury....but it is highly advisable to take a few days off for sleep and hydration on occasion. A couple of days eating at maintenance won't set you back in a noticeable way.

  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Something similar happened to me during my last cut. My guess is that you introduced too much exercise too quickly. Going from sedentary to walking longish distances 5-6 times a week is quite an adjustment for your body. What I did was increased my cardio and introducing two-a-days. I felt like absolute death, I had no energy, and my digestive system still hasn't recovered from it even weeks later. I ended up cutting out the extra cardio, finishing my cut, and returning to maintenance. That did the trick and I feel much more energized now. I'd say scale back on the exercise and then, once you start feeling better, slowly add more until you get back up to 5-6 if that's what you want.

    As for the weight gain, it's likely water. Again, same thing happened to me. I was eating at a deficit and not losing hardly anything, but then I suddenly got a "woosh" the week I cut out the extra cardio. Your body can hold onto water when you increase your cardio drastically, especially if you dropped your calorie intake around the same time. Take a couple of rest days, drink plenty of water, and re-weigh yourself.