Ok got a few questions on goal setting and diet

dmcox11 Posts: 2 Member
Is there a way to change the goals to not losing weight but losing body fat? I don't mind being as big as I am but would like to see bf% in the low teens instead of upper teens... if that's just altering the macros please give me advice, is the paid version worth it? Anyone do physique comps? Or are thier any bodybuilders here or groups for that direction (putting on mass) while staying lean... thanks yall for the tips if ya have any


  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    I wish I knew; if you find out let me know. I have lost the #s but still need to reduce the body fat %. It was 29; now it's down to 25; I would like to get it lower (around 19 or 20%--I'm older so don't want to go to low). My other issue is w/inches; still can't get my waist or thighs down--any advice?? P.S. I do weights @ the gym and keep the cardio to a minimum.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    There is a weight gain forum for sure, I don't follow it to comment on it.

    To lose fat (or inches) you have to lose weight, and there isn't a way to target this with MFP specifically.

    Often weight loss is about 70% fat and 30% non-fat (including water), the best you can hope for is 100% fat or to lose 100% fat while gaining muscle. Good luck.
  • dmcox11
    dmcox11 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks I figured that's how I'd do the goals, I guess less focus on cal intake and more so on macros with protein and workouts ... thanks again
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You can add Body Fat % in the tracking (Check In) area to track it there. It's not entirely what you're asking for but it'll at least let you track your progress over time.