A healthy life after having kids

FeliJD Posts: 22 Member
My journey:

This is me in early 2014. I think I weighed close to 59kgs or so. The numbers kept crawling up after having kids, so I stopped weighing myself:

From around August 2014 I joined a 6 week challenge at my local gym, where I managed to shed about 6kgs through cardio alone. This is me after my 6 week challenge. I was only doing cardio at this stage. This picture was taken around October 2014


Dec 2014


I decided I wanted to do more weight training so I started with very light weights, like most I feared getting 'big". Ladies, trust me, getting big through weights is like saying childbirth doesn't hurt! You just get tighter, smaller more defined.

During Christmas/New Yrs 2014 we went camping up in northern NSW where I joined a Crossfit group for entire month. Here are some pics during and after my beloved Crossfit days:



One of the instructors encouraged me to try the Paleo diet for just a month. I am now eating my own version of Paleo consisting of loads of fresh veg, fruit, almond milk and meats. I feel amazing!


I've lost over 10 kgs and am counting. Sure I often eat the wrong things (see my food diary!), I am not perfect. However to all the mums out there who feel like giving up, don't. Be kind to yourself, set up the support pillars around you and love yourself enough to want to be better. Having kids doesn't mean that you have to stop your life, it only enhances it and taking some time out to be a better you is not selfish at all. I wish you luck.


  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    u look amazing... thanks for the inpiration
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    wow! you look amazing!!! Great job and woop woop for weights!!!
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    Mom of three here, thanks for sharing with us :)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Great job Felicity ! You are an inspiration !
  • FeliJD
    FeliJD Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you. I know it isn't the big numbers of others but that doesn't matter. I think it is more important to feel as good as you can with what you've got. It is hard to lose weight regardless of your size so I say well done to anyone who makes the effort, if I can do some small changes then anyone can.
  • kratschie
    kratschie Posts: 30 Member
    Great inspiration! thank you.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Wow Felicity you look great!!!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yes! Thank you! Mom of four here, kids do not have to get in the way of being healthy, it only happens if you let it!! We need more stories like this!
  • FeliJD
    FeliJD Posts: 22 Member
    Two years on.... The journey continues. I've put on a few kgs. Life just took over. I'm not where I was but realise that the battle with the bulge continues
  • FeliJD
    FeliJD Posts: 22 Member
    The very real issue for women is that our bodies fluctuate. Water retention, time of the month.... I was disheartened this morning to learn that after 10 days of good eating and excercise, I put on 100gms. Ridiculous to firstly be worried but equally frustrating when results are anticipated and not come to fruition.

    However I feel lighter, I feel less 'full' and for this, I can only assume that my weekly weigh in is the gift of being female.

    For whatever your​ reason, enjoy the rest of your week! Happy eating, sleeping and moving! And never give up on your beautiful self.

    Felicity xo
  • roboliciousbob
    roboliciousbob Posts: 134 Member
    You look amazing! Well done! Mom of three(7,5,2) and currently on my own journey. It was really hard taking time for myself at first but it has helped in all aspects of my life. Physically and mentally. I am so much happier/healthier/energetic/capable of doing so much more with my kids since before I started.

    Keep up the good work!
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    Incredible! <3
  • Landofkim
    Landofkim Posts: 89 Member
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    FeliJD wrote: »
    The very real issue for women is that our bodies fluctuate. Water retention, time of the month.... I was disheartened this morning to learn that after 10 days of good eating and excercise, I put on 100gms. Ridiculous to firstly be worried but equally frustrating when results are anticipated and not come to fruition.

    However I feel lighter, I feel less 'full' and for this, I can only assume that my weekly weigh in is the gift of being female.

    For whatever your​ reason, enjoy the rest of your week! Happy eating, sleeping and moving! And never give up on your beautiful self.

    Felicity xo

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way but you got to be joking about gaining a hundred grams.

    In all seriousness what you accomplished is unbelievable and should be applauded. Everyone's weight fluctuates during the day. I working in a industrial environment and have access to scales at work.

    As part of my education process on my weight loss, I have weighed myself during the day and my weight has fluctuated anywhere from 2 to 5 pounds in a course of one day. I look at long-term trends as far as what my weight is doing and also how my clothes fit. At my lowest I weighed 203 pounds. Had to buy a dress slacks and my current weight is about 208 - 210. I lift and workout 4 to 5 times a week and I'm in the process of a body recomposition and yet my pants fit the same way as they did when I weigh 203.

    Once again congratulations on your success. Remember don't let the scale control you you control the scale
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    You look 10 years younger. Bravo!
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    You look fantastic! This is just the motivation I needed for today. Mom of three and working off the baby weight I've held onto for too long :D
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