Confused as to what to do

I was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I have exercised religiously for the last 15 years and watched what I ate. Gained weight anyway. Assured by gym it was muscle not fat. Always tried to avoid the carbs. Two weeks ago I went to the dietician after recording on paper what I had eaten for the past two weeks and she told me the calorie count that I was consuming was correct at 1600 per day since I exercised. The only modification she said I need to make was to incorporate more proteins. Since joining my fitness pal I have recorded everything. Usually I am consuming less than the 1600 calories. Based on the calculations due to exercising it sometimes says I should eat 1800 calories. The only thing I see that is high is the fat but am not sure that is an issue as I am usually under what the site says to eat including carbs. I am confused because according to my pants, I have not lost anything. Anybody have any suggestions? Should I eat more? Does the higher fat negate all my efforts? Not sure what to do any more. I plan on weighing myself next Monday but did not want to discourage myself if I were to weigh earlier.
