Ready for lifestyle change

cabrera6911 Posts: 1 Member
I'm 22 male 258 lbs at 5 ft 11 in want to get down to 200lbs by Xmas about 10lbs a month. I'm type one diabetic and am on high cholesterol medication. I'm way too young to be worry about if I'm going to get a heart attack, I have enough worry with diabetes. I stuggle with portion size I don't really eat sweets. Im always hungry eat everytime i want and that's why I get gaining weight. Need motivation and reminders thanks


  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi there! Your goal seems pretty realistic. Have you talked with your doctor about your weight loss and fitness goals, since you do have some preexisting medical conditions? With regards to portion control I cannot emphasize enough the importance of investing in an accurate digital kitchen scale. One that has a tare setting and will weigh in grams and ounces.