Always hungry

RacheLoko Posts: 51 Member
I need nutritious snacks. I feel like I am always munching on pretzels/chips or fruit. Clearly not the best.


  • Sammy44mfp
    Sammy44mfp Posts: 78 Member
    Meee toooo
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    String cheese
    Lunch meat
    Fruit with nuts or nut butters
    Pretzels with hummus
    Pretzels with salsa
    Rice cakes with lunch meat
    Rice cakes with cheese
    Rice cakes with nut butter
    Tuna with crackers
    Beef or turkey jerky
  • SianOdell
    SianOdell Posts: 13 Member
    i find protein keeps me fuller longer than carbs. I use egg whites for an egg white omelette with a green side salad. canned tuna with some wafer thin cucumber. soup is also good i make a batch of minestrone but use very little pasta. Or other low cal soups tinned is fine. I also use this and other recipes from skinny taste. This recipe very filling and healthy (i just omit the avocado). Its great served with prawns/shrimp and hot or cold chicken. I use this recipe a lot.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    so hunger bro
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    I ate lunch today and felt like I hadn't eaten anything. I had 3.5 ounces of chicken breast, a plum and a cup of broccoli and cauliflower. I ended up heating up a bowl of chili to get me to dinner. I played 80 minutes of soccer last night so I am hoping that was why I was needing a little extra today.
  • t_keesh
    t_keesh Posts: 13 Member
    Same thing with me. I'm hungry all the time. I ate 6 times today, and still felt hungry. Hope my exercises in the pool would help to burn all of that. I'm trying to eat healthy, but you know...
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    if you're in a deficit, trying to lose weight, you'll probably feel hungry. if you're eating at maintenance or in a surplus then you shouldn't. just make sure you're using MFP correctly by either stats/goal or calculating your TDEE on your own and going from there. blah blah weigh/log accurately blah blah etc.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    pretzels and hummus
  • tlharin
    tlharin Posts: 143 Member
    In addition to great advice above, especially from @draznyth, do also be sure that you're drinking enough fluids as we really can often misinterpret or misdirect thirst and hunger. An extra glass of water or cup of tea before (or along with) a good snack might help you manage your "always hungry" feeling.
  • alexjometric
    alexjometric Posts: 7 Member
    tlharin wrote: »
    In addition to great advice above, especially from @draznyth, do also be sure that you're drinking enough fluids as we really can often misinterpret or misdirect thirst and hunger. An extra glass of water or cup of tea before (or along with) a good snack might help you manage your "always hungry" feeling.

    What she said. :smile: I find when I am craving salty foods, a tall glass of ice water or lightly sweetened tea really helps satiate me. However, when I'm craving sugary foods, I try to stick to a Chobani 100 calorie greek yogurt (raspberry lemon is my favorite!).
  • inked_Calimom82
    inked_Calimom82 Posts: 143 Member
    Make sure your eating the right foods. Processed foods are not the way to go!! Some foods can help you feel full longer. Perhaps your not drinking enough water? I drink lots and lots of water and I get through the day just fine :) helps you feel full longer!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    lol "processed carrrrrrrrbs are evilllllllllllllllllllllll"
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    lol "processed carrrrrrrrbs are evilllllllllllllllllllllll"

    Of course they're not evil, but they're not very satiating. I, like many others who posted above, usually try to get some protein in with my snack. It helps. Greek yogurt, fruit with nut butter, some almonds, whatever. More filling than pretzels. Ooh, dip your pretzels in peanut butter! Heck yeah.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    lol "processed carrrrrrrrbs are evilllllllllllllllllllllll"

    Of course they're not evil, but they're not very satiating. I, like many others who posted above, usually try to get some protein in with my snack. It helps. Greek yogurt, fruit with nut butter, some almonds, whatever. More filling than pretzels. Ooh, dip your pretzels in peanut butter! Heck yeah.

    yes; however, explaining that processed carbs are less satiating than protein and instructing someone not to eat them are two different things.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Try eating bigger meals with plenty of protein and fat. I used to feel like I was constantly hungry when I ate 6 smallish meals a day (rarely with processed carbs). I could have eaten an extra arm and leg.

    Switched to bigger meals, and felt less hungry. Dont think about how many milliseconds til my next meal... And my energy is more even.
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    *adds pretzels to the Very Bad Things list*
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    We all have those days where we eat and eat and just don't seem to get full! I find that drinking a glass of water before and after my meals really helps.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    mistikal13 wrote: »
    We all have those days where we eat and eat and just don't seem to get full! I find that drinking a glass of water before and after my meals really helps.

    and of course don't forget that the point of eating is not to feel full...
  • BrittanyAle
    BrittanyAle Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain darling. Normally, whenever I am craving something to snack on I do the following: a handful of almonds or a greek yogurt with flax or hemp seeds or an apple with some peanut butter or I am in love with the Kashi bars; which are very filling. I also drink lots of water to help me feel full before and after all of my meals. I tend to surpass my expectation of 8 cups of water per day just to avoid over snacking.
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Fruit is in season right now. I found that a surprisingly large amount of watermelon is a surprisingly small number of calories. For lunch just now I had 6 oz of chicken breast and 6 oz of watermelon. Yummy and filling.