What Age Can A Girl Start Weight Training

RKJR925 Posts: 254
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
My daughter is 13 and we have placed her on the gym membership. Is 13 too young for a girl to start lifting weights? She is wanting to do it but I want to make sure that she is old enough. I started at 13 but I know boys are different


  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    My daughter is 13 and we have placed her on the gym membership. Is 13 too young for a girl to start lifting weights? She is wanting to do it but I want to make sure that she is old enough. I started at 13 but I know boys are different
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Not sure how it is for girls... but we were told not to allow our son to lift until he was older (more developed - testosterone levels higher). He started using free weights at 16.
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Hmmm, isn't it better for her to start gymnastics, dancing, some team sports or sth like that?
    I mean just using her own body weight to exercise.
    Just a thought, though :smile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    My niece is an ice skater and has been working out since she was 8. With approval of a doctor and also she works out only with a trainer. She worked out 2 days a week and when she was 12 it moved to 4. She is now 14 and works out with a trainer 4 days a week .
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    ya you can do it any age because when i was younger i took gymnatics for 8 years and i had to weight training since i was 6.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I'm pretty sure she can do it. I started at 14.
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    If you can't afford for her to have her own personal trainer then I would personally watch her carefully and you decide the amount of weight. It should start off fairly low and make sure she doesn't push herself too hard and this shouldn't be an every day activity for someone so young.

    Be careful and have a good day! :smile:
  • tjblack
    tjblack Posts: 122
    My son who just turned 13 now goes to the gym with us. My husband helps him with the machines, but he loves the treadmill. He did not have gym this year in school and he missed it. Asked if he could have a membership to our gym for his birthday. As long as they are being watched and not trying to over do she should be fine.

    Look at it like this, a little more one on one time before they are gone out the door forever.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Weight Lifting and Kids
    Stephen D. Ball, Ph.D., Nutritional Sciences
    College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbiahttp://missourifamilies.org/FEATURES/NUTRITIONARTICLES/fit4.htm

    Kids lifting weights? I know what you are thinking; strength training is dangerous for children. Many coaches, parents, and exercise professionals believe lifting weights is unsafe and not beneficial for children, despite the overwhelming research to the contrary. According to Dr. Avery Faigenbaum, a scientist who has studied strength training and children, under proper supervision there has not been a single case of a serious strength training injury involving children. Faigenbaum reminds us that there are risks associated with all types of physical activities but weight lifting injuries are less common than many other types of accidents. A properly designed strength training program can improve the strength of children, increase cardiorespiratory fitness, increase flexibility, improve motor fitness performance, improve body composition, increase resistance to injury, decrease the time for rehabilitation, enhance mental health and well being, increase sports performance, increase adherence to physical activity, and stimulate a more positive attitude toward fitness conditioning.

    Strength training programs for children are safe and offer many benefits as long as they are specifically designed. Obviously, children should not be participating in a workout designed for the St. Louis Rams. The problem is that often college coaches obtain workouts from professional teams and high school coaches get their programs from the college coaches. Junior high coaches use the high school programs as so on. Before we know it, we might have young children performing an elite athlete's workout without any adaptation. We must be careful to properly adapt programs specifically with children in mind.

    Exercise professionals, coaches, trainers, teachers, and parents should familiarize themselves with the following important guidelines to ensure the safety of children involved in strength training. The American College of Sports Medicine suggests:

    1. All strength-training activities should be supervised and monitored closely.
    2. Remember that children are physiologically immature.
    3. The primary focus, at least initially, should be directed at learning proper techniques for all exercise movements and developing an interest in resistance training.
    4. Proper techniques should be demonstrated first, followed by gradual application of resistance or weight.
    5. Proper breathing techniques (i.e., no breath holding) should be taught.
    6. Exercises should be performed in a manner in which the speed is controlled, avoiding ballistic (fast and jerky) movements.
    7. Power lifting and body building should be avoided.
    8. Full-range, multijoint exercises (as opposed to single-joint exercises) should be emphasized.
    9. Children need to be able to understand and follow directions. There is no recommended minimum age for children to be introduced to strength training.

    Children as young as 5-6 years old have participated in Dr. Faigenbaum's programs

    In addition to following the American College of Sports Medicine's Guidelines, several other things should be noted. It is important that strength training be a part of total conditioning program that also includes cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and agility exercises. Although there is no minimum age required to begin a strength training program, it is important that children have the emotional maturity to follow directions and appreciate the benefits and risks associated with exercise before they are ready to begin. The first few training sessions should focus on technique, safety issues, and correct lifting form without inducing undue fatigue. Close supervision cannot be stressed enough. There should be at least one instructor for every ten students. Individuals administering the programs must also have a thorough understanding of strength training principles and they must be able to communicate to children in a way that they can understand. It is wise to slowly progress when increasing the intensity and duration of program variables. Start with one light set of 12-15 repetitions on about 6 exercises performed 2 times a week. It is always best to underestimate when it comes to strength training and start out slow with little or no weight at all. For example, when teaching the bench press, start out with a broomstick instead of using the normal bar. When increasing the intensity use very small increments of about 1-2 lbs. Remember a 10 lb. increase for a child is the equivalent to a 50-100 lb. increase for an adult on many exercises. Obviously, this is a huge jump in intensity. A typical program might consist of 6-15 repetitions on 6 to 8 exercises performed 2-3 times a week.

    Remember that with any type of physical activity there are risks. However, the benefits of being active and fit greatly outweigh these risks. Weight training offers no greater risk than other forms of physical activity, as long as children are properly supervised and the aforementioned guidelines suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine are adhered to. Teaching children to be active at an early age is crucial if they are to continue living an active lifestyle in adulthood. Weight training is another option that parents, teachers, and professionals should consider when promoting physical activity for youth.


    ACSM's Guidelins for Exercise Testing and Prescription. (6 ed.)(2000). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Faigenbaum, A.D. (2000). Strength Training for Children and Adolescents. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 19:4, 593-615.

    Faigenbaum, A.D. and Bradley, D.B. (1998). Strength Training for the Young Athlete. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America: 7:1, 66-88.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Since you said membership I can assume you mean handweights sinc emost gyms won't allow anyone under 18 in the free weight room anyway. Unless they are training in the junior field or for some sport and even then most gyms because of liability is 18. That said kids can safely use moderate amounts of weight. In fact they sell weight kits for children. I know because when I was younger this kid I babay sat had one, it was so cute you fill it with water or sand and it had a weight bench and everything and the kid used it religiously lol. Way to cute him flexing and posing. The gym should have trainers, get a session and see what is safe for her.
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    Thanks Helawat for the great article and thanks to everyone else for the excellent input.
    This is a huge help
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