need diet plan

I just started working on getting back into shape, can someone please tell me what I can do as far as meals go I'm 260 wanna get down to 225 age 44 black male 6'4


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Pretty easy, just put all that info into my fitnes pal, set it to lose 1-2 pounds a week, and it will tell you how many calories to eat. Eat that many calories by weighing your food and entering it in the diary.

    If you add exercise, then eat back about 50% of the calories you burn doing exercise.

    Track your progress, if you're not losing weight after 3 weeks or so, then you need to either decrease your calories or increase you exercise.

    I recommend adding resistance training 3x a week minimum to preserve your muscle while losing fat.
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    I do resistance training thrice a week and following 5:2 diet.Works for me.