Need to lose 45-50lbs. Help.

brittespo Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Brittney. I am 25 years old and just in these past 2 years I have gained almost 50 pounds. I work a desk job and don't get home until 7pm during the week so it makes it difficult to motivate myself to work out and eat healthy. I always say "I'll start tomorrow". I do not feel good about myself and need to make big changes so I can get my confidence back. I don't even know where to start with my weight loss but I am determined to make a change and we can do it together. :)


  • KonekoKawaii
    KonekoKawaii Posts: 11 Member
    brittespo wrote: »
    I don't even know where to start with my weight loss

    If I could lend some advice- the first step is to start logging everything you eat. Everything, this includes drinks, snacks, fruits and veggies (foods lots of people skip because they don't think it contains enough or any calories), even those teeny tiny things. Half a chocolate bar? Log it. A chip? Log it.

    It's proven that people who just log their calories start eating less.

    Next is to drink water. 2 litres minimum (and more depending on how tall/big one is). Seriously, a lot of cravings can be filled with drinking water. On top of that, if you sit a lot at work, you'll find yourself getting up much more often, which is always good!

    If you can manage that, I'd suggest create a goal weight, and a timeframe. Be realistic, no one is going to lose 50 pounds in a mere two months. Six months is a very possible goal, though!

    After that, just abide by the calories MFP recommends (or calculate your BMR yourself), and you'll be golden!