Not all Calories are Created Equal

So I read this article: and it basically stated everything I was always thinking. I get a little frustrated when I hear people only counting calories. Don't get me wrong, that's a GREAT START to weight loss. Counting calories give you more perspective on portion control and you become more familuar with what you are ingesting; however, not all calories are created equal. Fat and Protein are essential to your body composition; carbohydrates are not. Carbs give you a great burst of energy, but they are not essential.

I have a co-worker that swears every time she purchases something from Whole Foods, it's healthy. My only response to her was, "read the labels before you decide what is healthy and what isn't". Marketing has almost brainwashed anyone that doesn't pay attention to nutrition. They blatently lie to get you to buy their products. Not sure hwo that's legal, but it almost seems that if a product now a days is marketed as, "whole wheat, organic, naturally flavored, or low fat/low calorie" people FLOCK to it. I also fell into that trap until I realized that I wasn't losing any weight. It wasn't until I went ot a nutritionist who told me that protein and fat are what I should be ingesting with a very low count of carbs. I should state tha tI'm trying to lose weight, that is my ultimate goal.

Anyway, I hope this might have helped some of you be a littl emore concious before you buy that Luna Bar or V8 fruit splash. Just read labels.

Best of luck on your goals everyone!