How to you get past unmotivated phases?

I have been all in this since January. It's been working and great and going by scale goals I'm only 6lbs off. I was even thinking last week that if I could ignore the scale I'm good to switch to maintenance and finish my strength/toning goals. However the last few days have been hard. I'm stressed, getting sick, and just feeling low. I'm still staying on track with intake, still doing my workouts, but if I'm honest with myself I'm cheating a bit and not pushing myself.
Today I randomly stepped on the scale and was up 2lbs from last week. I know I haven't been THAT far off track and it's most likely a body fluctuations, yet in the past something like that would give me a kick to refocus. Today I didn't even care, just looked at it and thought "oh well". What are some tips others use when they lose motivation?